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12-02-2002, 12:24 AM
I think I should bring this up. My trilogy that I am making is based on the history and timeline of hyrule. I don't think this belongs undet gaming because its still about quest. Does anybody have to comment about the time line of the Legend of Zelda. For example, do you believe their are 3 Links? Just talk and it will help me get the timeline straight. I have heard so many versions.

12-02-2002, 01:21 AM
Read this and it will be clear. The best summary of the first 4 games ever written.

Later game info: Ocarina of Time predates all of the Zelda games, Majora's Mask follows it.


12-02-2002, 09:27 PM
Very interesting. I knew that stuff already. Not that it was bad. I was talking about the history in the game series. I guess I should have explained it better. The history I mean is how the games go together. First goes OOC then MM, then Lttp, then LA and then the Legend of Zelda and Link's Adventure. That is how he story goes now. I was just wondering if anybody knew about it in more detail.

12-02-2002, 11:51 PM
Some say it goes OoT, MM, LoZ, AoL, then ALttP.
I think that is the Japanese order

Either way there is still a debate about how many Link's there actually are. The plain truth is that no-one knows for certain except the people who make the games.

In other words, pick a timeline, pick how many Links you think there are, and build off of that for your quest's story.

12-03-2002, 12:21 AM
Hey Menokh, haven't seen you in these part for awhile. Thanks for the info. I think I have picked a timeline now...

12-03-2002, 12:28 AM
You're welcome.

I haven't been too into Zelda Classic ever since I release a demo for Mystery of Enlil back when 152 was the newest player(I have since misplaced where I uploaded that to). I might get back into it and work on it some more, but all the new features in the private betas are making me want to wait(since so much of what I want to do, can't be done in 163, but seems like it can be in the latest private betas).

12-03-2002, 01:13 AM
That maybe why "the master sword sleeps forever!" at the end of LTTP. If LTTP was the final story of the japanese timeline, it draws the curtain on all of that.

Where will The Wind Waker fall in line? Being that Link goes looking for his previously unmentioned sister (to my knowledge), I have to believe that it might predate OoT.

12-03-2002, 01:23 AM
The director for Zelda GC said it takes place after a certain period of time in Ocarina of Time. The new Gamecube Zelda takes place after Ocarina of Time, Ocarina of Time still is the first game in the series, and it rightly has to be. Below is a translation of a background story from the Ocarina Bonus disc that was released in Japan here that refers to Ocarina of Time.


If you meant the game's stories in more detail, I have all the manual stories on my website too.

Link's Awakening is the sequel to A Link to the Past. Ganon was "Totally destroyed", and yet the people are restless about Ganon's ashes in Link's Awakening's story. I don't think the Master Sword should have to sleep again forever either if they want to make a sequel.

I could go into more detail, but I've done enough 'debates' on this. I'm not really sure that there is a Japanese timeline, though the only missing part is where ALttP truely falls, something I'm hoping the new release will help with.

12-03-2002, 07:54 PM
I am still sure that Major'a Mask is second in thes series. That take plade directly after OOC

12-03-2002, 10:39 PM
Majora's Mask takes place a few months after Ocarina of Time. Check the game page for it on www.nintendo.com , and the Majora's Mask Instruction Booklet.


12-04-2002, 12:39 AM
That is a great game. Well do you think their are 3 Links in the Legend of Zelda Timeline? From what I have researched, thats how it goes.

12-04-2002, 12:55 AM
I am unsure about that one actually.

I think it is either 2 or 3.

The story is damn near impossible to make sense out of(besides order of games, with some debate into LttP's location), and even then people won't agree on any one version. There are so many different ways it could fit together, only Miyamoto knows for sure(maybe).

But ultimately, for ZC quests, it doesn't matter. Pick what you agree with and use it.

12-05-2002, 01:14 AM
There are several generations of Links

Read this

12-05-2002, 12:17 PM
It could be that Miyamoto has no intention of maintaining a continuous storyline, and just makes the games as they come to him. If they fall into line it could be just coincidence.

12-05-2002, 05:47 PM
I'm pretty sure he puts them in a story line. If this was true, then the Mario games wouldn't follow any pasts storys. They use characters from older games. And Zelda games do too. If they are adding new charectors, then it isn't the same Link.