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View Full Version : The post that would shake AGN to its foundation

The Desperado
11-23-2002, 04:27 AM
How do you think the people on AGN would react if someone ever posted a suicide note on here?
What if it was someone we didnt know? And we didn't know if it was a prank or the real thing?
What if it was someone we did know, and that person suddenly didn't post anymore?

Thoughts? Comments?
*note*: im not suicidal, just wonder what people would say.

11-23-2002, 04:29 AM
I think it would vary based on the user.

For instance, Breaker would laugh and make some ass hole comment. Everyone else would do their best to convince the person of the value of living.

11-23-2002, 05:19 AM
http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5346 :summoner:

Drunken Tiger
11-23-2002, 08:42 AM
It depends how we view the members, because most of us dont take the stuff here seriously anyway...

11-23-2002, 10:09 AM
I've decided to kill myself due to stress on my school work, girlfriend just dumped me, and my parents just died in a car accident. My parents have a gun. Please tell plith and Nonsensical for me .... - You mean something like that? Yah it would be interesting and sad.

11-23-2002, 10:34 AM
Um... lightingz didn't kill himself, he came back awhile ago as a new member and got banned again.

11-23-2002, 10:51 AM
i would most likely first, do my best to help everyone convince the person to not do it and second, if breaker did do that i would probably.....oh i don't know dronw him in beavers or something? gomen, i'm on a sugar withdrawl. zpphgfhawio! dangit! need.....sugar.....

11-23-2002, 11:23 AM
Here's my suicide note:

I hate you all. *gets a gun*
*shoots everyone*

Oh wait, I guess that's homicide, huh?

11-23-2002, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Beldaran
For instance, Breaker would laugh and make some ass hole comment. Everyone else would do their best to convince the person of the value of living. Can't resist the urge to take a shot at Breaker, eh?

I doubt everybody would do their best to convince the person of the value of living, because many people would probably see a person posting their intent to commit suicide as nothing more than a cry for attention, and not a legitimate plan to kill themselves. If I'm not mistaken, most people that commit suicide do not telegraph their intentions beforehand, and most people that do so do not actually kill themselves...

11-23-2002, 11:37 AM
yeah, they don't kill themselves cause they're pussies.

So just remember kids, next time you decide to commit suicide, and you decide not to, that means you're nothing but a scared little chicken shit. PUSSY!!!

11-23-2002, 11:54 AM
Go visit Rock Bottom.
There are a few close to self murder notes there now.
I do feel SB may be right in that a person that announces it is asking for help/attention.
The question I ask is, what if a person says this and then gets no response, no attention, I do think that in some cases if could lead to further action.
So if I ever see a post on negative emotion, I try and respond with something positive.
If someone were really on the edge, there is really not much I could do personally. I know vary few people here IRL, and of those few I only know addresses or ph# of a couple.
So like most things it would have to be up to the admins. to decide if it were real and what to do.
I can only hope that no one gets into such a state that they think death is the only way out.

11-23-2002, 12:08 PM
It depends on the member and nature of the note.

(new guy with 3 posts)
Sniff... you guys dont like me because i have lots of free porn at the forums i advertise hey im gonna kill myself unless everybody joins so feel sorry for me

My Reply: Um.. yeah. In a week i'll foret who you were.

(respected member)
I'm sick of life. I hate my family. I hate my "friends". Ijust feel like neding it here and now.

My Replay: Don't jump to conclusions. It's not that bad. Stay calm...

I hate you all. I will end my mortal life to punish all other beings. My soul will ascend to eternity as ruler.

My Reply: *calls psychiatric ward*

11-23-2002, 12:10 PM
Indeed. The type of response that a suicide note would receive would depend very greatly on who was doing the posting. lightingz wasn't taken seriously because he was well-known for just making things up to get attention. If, however, somebody like moocow were to post the same thing, many more people would probably be inclined to believe that she was sincere.

11-23-2002, 12:20 PM
if moo or breaker or foxy or sb ever became suicidal, i'd have to go kidnap them and bring 'em back to my place 'til they were feeling a little better.
other than that, depending on the person, i might make a smartass comment, but most likely i'd just ignore 'em.

Mr. 207
11-23-2002, 01:08 PM
Personally, I see ANYTIME someone posts a suicide note on the net as bullshit. If someone is really suicidal they wouldn't go to a message board, a chat room, or whatnot to tell everyone. Only people who post "suicide notes" are jackasses who want everyone to say "Aw come on man, dont do that, we love you, really we do."

Dark Wolf
11-23-2002, 01:24 PM
actually, i disagree. If you tell people around you, they try to stop you. If you announce it on a board, Who teh heck is going to stop you???

I myself have thought about it. Then i smacked myself as hard as i could and woke up.

11-23-2002, 02:00 PM
Noone would probably take it seriously, just like with what that lightning guy did.

11-23-2002, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by mikeron
http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5346 :summoner:

That is EXACTLY what I thought. And to think i actually bought into his shit. LOL....