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View Full Version : Question about similar programs

11-17-2002, 02:19 AM
Are there other programs out there like Zelda Classic with ZQuest that allow users to create their own quests, most specifically Mega Man games? I know Mega Man graphics could be imported into ZQuest and most likely already have been by someone, but it just wouldn't run the same.

11-17-2002, 02:33 AM
Gaming Universe. (
Also look in the fan projects thread in GGD.

11-17-2002, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by Blonde799
Gaming Universe. (
Also look in the fan projects thread in GGD.

A big thank you, I'll be paying close attention to it now. :mega: :)

11-17-2002, 05:31 PM
Since this is not exactly Zquest related, so I'll move it to GGD.

11-17-2002, 05:51 PM
i'd say RM2K, but you can no longer download it. you can do most anything with that

11-17-2002, 05:53 PM
Warcraft III has a great editor to create little games and scenarios. However it's commercial.

11-18-2002, 05:18 PM
Now, bear in mind that it's not finished yet, but I can't resist plugging something that's hosted on my own site, now can I? Anyway, Mario Worlds aims to (eventually) be a complete re-creation of the Super Mario series on PC. It's being created using 2D Game Maker. When completed, it will feature a level editor allowing you to create your own content.

The project's author, Veratul, has been missing from the project for a couple of months, but if you're interested and you send him an e-mail reminding him of how cool his stuff is and how very much you want to play it, I'm sure you could convince him to start it up again.

In any case, a link to my site is right here:


Also: don't e-mail me about Mario Worlds, I'm just plugging it here as a favor. I am not involved in its production in any way.