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11-16-2002, 03:55 AM
I went to see the new Harry Potter movie (good movie BTW), and one of the adverts they showed before the movie was the GCN Zelda.

Anyone think this might be a good outlet for game advertising?

Dart Zaidyer
11-16-2002, 07:23 PM
Oh, indubitabubitabubily, sir!

11-16-2002, 07:53 PM
I'm actually kind of surprised, Nintendo seems to be the only one that does this really. I never see Sony/Microsoft stuff on there.. of course, most of thier stuff is 3rd party I suppose, so it's more up to the 3rd parties to do it, which I can understand them not doing.

But yeah, this has been going on pretty much since Ocarina of Time (that was the first big example I can think of).

11-17-2002, 06:49 PM
Ya, but I never goto the movies when that kind of thing is there.

11-17-2002, 10:09 PM
mechwarrior 3 was played in the theaters, i also recently saw a preview for Age of Mythology. depending on the game, these thigns almost get me more excited than most movie previews. ocarina was the earliest one i can remember. i jized all over when i first saw that.

11-17-2002, 10:47 PM
Oh yeah, that's right. They do advertise PC games occasionally. In fact, I recently heard they will be showing WarCraft 3 trailers during Die another Day and LotR: the Two Towers (a bit late Blizzard, but it's all good :D) I guess w/ PC games you have bigger companies who can afford to advertise on a larger scale like this. Although there are a couple console companies that I'm a bit surprised haven't been doing this.. namely Capcom, Konami, and Square.. well, maybe not Square, they are kinda hurting for money at the moment w/ the whole FF movie thing, but Konami, hell, they got Metal Gear Solid, that's a great title to advertise at the theaters (and actually I just saw the commercial for the MGS: Substance and it was funny as hell.. guy crawling around cubicals like Solid Snake in one of those mazes hiding from his boss.. haha).. Capcom has Resident Evil among some others that would go over well w/ movie audiences. (hell, they could have advertised RE at RE :D)

11-17-2002, 11:20 PM
Um... RE was an RE ad though. A really long one. And how is it too late? WC3 will still be selling for years to come, like Starcraft!

11-18-2002, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by Mottzilla
Um... RE was an RE ad though. A really long one. And how is it too late? WC3 will still be selling for years to come, like Starcraft!

Ya, but you usually want to advertise your game right when it comes out.. I suppose Christmas is coming up tho.