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View Full Version : Deus Ex

11-16-2002, 02:41 AM
Im just kinda curious, how many of you guys here have played Deus Ex?
For those who havent, its deffinatly one of the best games thats ever been invented. Its the most diverse rpg/fps that i have seen, apparently system shock 1 and 2 are supposed to be awesome as well, but i have yet to play either of em. What did you guys thinka this game? gimme some reviews, i wanna know some opinions and some ideas/questions, stuff like that, i wanna see just how much people know about this.

11-16-2002, 03:49 AM
I got stuck and couldn't pass one part of the game ;). This game makes it pretty hard to just go in shooting. You have to rely on stealth a great deal early in the game (since I haven't gotten very far, I do not know about the rest of the game).

11-16-2002, 04:40 AM
It rules, end of story

Drunken Tiger
11-16-2002, 05:45 AM
Deus Ex kicks ass!! :D

That was one of the few games i got hooked on!! :p

11-16-2002, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Thunderbird
I got stuck and couldn't pass one part of the game ;). This game makes it pretty hard to just go in shooting. You have to rely on stealth a great deal early in the game (since I haven't gotten very far, I do not know about the rest of the game).

Well, u dont have to rely one stealth if your really really good at getting headshots but thats next to impossible if you dont have your pistol level upgraded to advanced.... i usually put it right into rifle cuz i love the snipe rifle :)
what part are you stuck @ maybe i can give you a hand

Fatty Lumpkin
11-16-2002, 09:27 PM
Well, it's pretty sweet, but I think it's too hard. I'm a hose-em-down-with-bullets kinda guy, and I run out of ammo really quickly. I've played better games, but I'd recommend it if anyone's looking for something a little different.

11-17-2002, 06:02 PM
I played it, but lost interest quickly. UT2k3 is much moer my style.

11-17-2002, 06:54 PM
My brother is fucking obsessed with it. It has only fueled his crazy ass conpiracy theories, and now he hardly trusts anyone. I tried to stop him from playing it, but he did it anyway, and I knew it was going to fuck him up worse. I haven't seen or heard him play it in about 2 weeks though, so I'm hoping he's finally gotten sick of it.

He tried to get my to play it until he let me play it for free, because he wanted to show me how awesome it was. I just thought it was gay. It was okay, gameplay wise, but the story was too parinoid to be any fun.

Everyone turns their backs on you, and then there's aliens, and some computer running the whole world shit. Conspiriacy this and conspiracy that. It was like playing the demented thoughts of a serial killer who thinks they know everything, right before he starts to kill everyone.

If you haven't played this game then don't. Read a good book, like LotR, or something. This game will only fuel the lifeless nerds parinoia and friendlessness.

11-17-2002, 11:22 PM
There was a story line? I honestly just thought it was a bad FPS...