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View Full Version : Weather is unpredictable!

11-15-2002, 06:24 PM
I know that some people had snow a few weeks ago but not me. I swear, it feels like 31° in where I live! Though it is about 43° outside, it is going to get about 36° tomorrow. Mother Nature is screwed because it is not making up its mind. First, it is about 90° and now it is about 43°. I wish it was not that damn damp because I HATE THE COLD (I get cold pretty easily even bundled up in a cape).

Has anyone been going through a cold autumn that s/he cannot stand anymore? Alucard has grown tired of cold, icy weather.

11-15-2002, 08:33 PM
in blacksburg the weather changes about every 15 minutes. no joke. it was almost 60 today, and now i't close to 20. messed up weather

11-15-2002, 08:39 PM
In SF it never gets too hot or too cold. So we have alright weather. The water is too cold so the beach isnt an opion...actually it sorta sux

11-15-2002, 08:55 PM
I probably got the craziest weather. A week ago we had a lot of snow, and now, it feels like the beginning of spring. I'm suprised, cause this time last year, e had already had 2 storms and had gotten out of school for them. But we are getting a lot of rain instead. Oh well, don't gotta shovel rain :p The other day it was about 20ºc in the middle of November. Now for Newfoundland, that's unbelievable!

11-15-2002, 08:57 PM

Hot in the summer, cold in the winter.

I mean like 110 in summer and -20 in winter. That's all in farienhight, for you Brit's.

I actually hope it snow's soon. Snow is fun. Fall here has been relitivly tepid, concidering it lasts a month.

Maverik X
11-16-2002, 12:08 AM
In STL near Chicago, the weather is very similar, with 100's durring the summer, then, without warning mind you, below zero temps. It went from fairly warm 60s and 70s to mid 30s within a day or two