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View Full Version : ZeldaClone, programmed in vBasic! (Open Source)

Immortal Warrior
11-13-2002, 12:05 PM
Well.. I finally decided to DO something in visualBasic instead of messing around... so here it is, product of about 2 evenings work, its just a control test so theres not much overworld programmed...

Right Click, Save Target As (http://www.geocities.com/awakeningofdarkness/ZeldaStyle.zip)

Unzip it all somewhere, then run Setup.bat, it'll make a directory called "Zelda" go there and run "ZeldaStyle.exe", Arrow Keys to walk about, and Spacebar to slash the sword...

I say Open Source, you can probably get the code outta this exe, if you want it though, email me, [email protected] or post here...

11-13-2002, 12:18 PM
Dang, Matt. This is pretty friggin' sweet. Very nice work. :)

11-13-2002, 12:36 PM
You oughta make it smoother , its kinda choppy. but great so far

Immortal Warrior
11-13-2002, 12:39 PM
Thanks man, it might not have taken a long time to do that demo but learning the the theory did... for anyone who knows visualBasic... this took me a while... coding for stoping the character walk into solid objects, set to a Form or objects KeyDown Sub where Obstacle1x1 is a Control Variable, D is a Boolean Variable, Image1 is the player, and MoveRight is a Sub commanding Image1.left to move 16 units to the right:

If KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then
D = True
For i = Obstacle1x1.LBound To Obstacle1x1.UBound
If Image1.Left = Obstacle1x1(i).Left - 16 And Image1.Top = Obstacle1x1(i).Top Then R = False
Next i
End If

EDIT: Yeah, the flicker on the sprites bugs me aswell, its something to do with the image buffering I think, or vBs redraw speed I'm gonna change the control input so it's a little slower, that way you dont notice it so much...

11-13-2002, 12:46 PM
Not only that , but the movement.. when you press a direction Link jumps a whole 16 pixels along with the screen , I think it should be changed so that he moves more smoothly kind of like in ZC.Or is that too hard?

Immortal Warrior
11-13-2002, 01:25 PM
Well, the scrolling movement involves moving the screen and link so his position co-ordinates in respect to the screen remain the same, but change in respect to the overworld... so both have to move... I'm gonna try and make it more ZC-ish bu not at this moment

11-13-2002, 03:54 PM
Are you using a game developer or DirectX SDK? Also, VB isn't the most efficent way to program something as intense as a game. But from what I saw so far, it looks nice, ,and has potential.

Immortal Warrior
11-13-2002, 05:59 PM
Im using Pure vB 5... I know vB isnt particulary effective... but it IS really fast and I have been using it for years, I'm trying to learn C++ atm, so i'll probably end up using that eventually

11-14-2002, 12:56 AM
Awesome work man. Keep it up.

11-14-2002, 02:24 AM
I took a look at this, it worked for me I guess.
Link is a fast little bugger.

11-14-2002, 05:47 AM
IW, contact me via PM. Since I am in the midst of a large VB game project (see my sig), I can help you with the graphics stuff. :)

And AM, it is quite possible to develop a decent game in VB nowadays, since there is a DirectX SDK for it. Even with the WinAPI though you can do OK.

11-14-2002, 08:55 AM
Is it the same thing as Z3C?

11-14-2002, 01:46 PM
That was pretty damn good :D

I've began leaning VB at college, making something like this is what I dream of. You are a great inspiration to me :mega:

Immortal Warrior
11-14-2002, 07:46 PM
heh thanks obi :)
cloral, your pm box is full or i would have PMed this to you:
i cant for the life of me get anything other than the DirectX 8 SDK it seems now thats been released its near impossible to find 7.. im also having problems getting it to work atall with vB 5 OR 6... for some reason it just doesnt seem to work... I've been checking through some of the sample codes that are bundled with the SDK but I cant even get it to work if i just repeat the code in my own applications... O_o

11-14-2002, 09:18 PM
Since when is 51 messages full? I thought it was 60?

Oh well. It's empty now.

And thats why I said if you can get your hands on the DX7 SDK. I'm sure it's out there somewhere, but I wouldn't know where. Oh well, it'll work fine with the Windows API too.

I did a search of my computer, and found a file called 'Dx7vb.dll'. I don't know if this would be enough to be able to use DirectX7 in a VB project, but it could be. Anyway, I can send the file to you if you want.

Actually, looking at the references in my project, that is the file it references for DirectX7. So it should do it. You obviously wouldn't get any of the samples or tutorials, but I (and various sites on the internet) could help with that. So send me a PM.