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11-11-2002, 05:58 AM
Ahh.... I used to play the two NES Goonies games when I was younger.... I loved them, as well as the movie! Do YOU like it?

11-11-2002, 06:00 AM
Ahh.... I used to play the two NES Goonies games when I was younger.... I loved them, as well as the movie! Do YOU like it?

WHAT!?!?! I didnt double post....:cry:

11-11-2002, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Demimore
WHAT!?!?! I didnt double post....:cry:

Yes you did. Trying to bump your thread up eh?:laughing: j/k

Nope, never played the games, but I've seen the movie a million times. It never gets old

11-11-2002, 10:11 AM
What? No, there was a problem.... Happens sometimes.... Yes, I love the movie! Especially when I was a kid!

EDIT: I didnt notice that j/k.... Now I did.... Hehe:laughing:

11-11-2002, 05:00 PM
You must have heard the song on the radio last night. I love the move, didn't know there were games. Interesting...

11-12-2002, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by stormwatcheagle
You must have heard the song on the radio last night. I love the move, didn't know there were games. Interesting...

The song, the movie and the games are great!! You didnt know there were games.... Oh.... I think you should visit my page to get some info! :)

11-12-2002, 09:05 AM
Y'know, I've only played the second game for NES. I'm not sure why. I never had the first, but the second seems to have captivated me all over again, right there next to StarTropics 1 & 2. I can't seem to get past a lot of things, for example, I'm stuck. I don't know where I'm stuck, but I'm STUCK! Also, when I try to give that old lady her glasses back, she doesn't seem to want them. It's very weird! :eek:

11-12-2002, 10:22 AM
Check my homepage!BH4!! The glasses.... You should'nt give them back.... They makes you see things in the rooms, that you couldnt do before.... I think...... I dont remember.... Havent played it in three years.

11-12-2002, 11:17 AM
Then Fire it up again! Oh, and thanks for the tip about the glasses. It seems to have jogged... some.. of my memory. But we shall see.... :shrug:

11-12-2002, 12:46 PM
I LOVE GOONIES 2 for NES, I just DL'ed it the other day for NESticle. I've been playing it alot lately. I had it when I was younger, but I too never played the first one til just the other day. I think the 2nd is better though.

BTW, the glasses make you see invisible doors. But I THINK they're 2 pairs, one to give back, the other to use. But, I'm not really sure.

11-12-2002, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by teddyboy420
I LOVE GOONIES 2 for NES, I just DL'ed it the other day for NESticle. I've been playing it alot lately. I had it when I was younger, but I too never played the first one til just the other day. I think the 2nd is better though.

BTW, the glasses make you see invisible doors. But I THINK they're 2 pairs, one to give back, the other to use. But, I'm not really sure.

I actually played the Goonies 1 before G2.... G1 is harder.... Yes, you're right.... The glasses makes you see invisible doors.... It's like a second hammer.... Think about it: When you use the hammer, you find doors (sometimes) Use the glasses and you find: Doors.... Anyone knows what the amplifier is used to? I never understood this....

NESTICLE?!?! Well, that's just the WORST NES emu you could ever use.... It's got bad sound support and emulates badly. Use RockNES, LoopyNES, NESten or .... fNES(?) instead.:naughty:

11-12-2002, 02:14 PM
The amplifier was used with the people locater (can't remember it's real name) it let you see goonies from farther away. I THINK?

I think you meant jNES, and I have that too, but have never used it. I really haven't had any problems with NESticle.

11-13-2002, 06:15 AM
But it's got bad sound..... Dont you think so?