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11-06-2002, 10:38 PM

Very interesting read. Outlines Microsoft's most recent metting about how to overcome Linux. Also known as Haloween VII.

11-06-2002, 10:46 PM
Trying to get the lower Total Cost of Ownership, huh?
This should prove interesting. Shared Source combined with trying to lower TCO for Windows. The problme with Shared Source is that is is still proprietary, it is look but don't touch code.
As for TCO, how can the overcome the gap? Right now Linux is 30% cheaper in terms of TCO than Windows, how will MS close the gap especially with Licensing 6(which costs the average Licensing 6 consumer 110% of the normal cost)?

11-07-2002, 02:12 AM
Yes Alex, I read slashdot too...

11-07-2002, 02:16 AM
One-third of all respondents cited 'an alternative to Microsoft' as one of the best reasons to support OSS.

Oooh.. burn on Microsoft! :tongue: