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View Full Version : Last night: Friday Night Magic

11-02-2002, 05:14 PM
Last night I participated in my first Magic: the Gathering tourney. I had a blast!:D I lost all but one game, but I still had a lot of fun. There were 8 people that participated in the tourney including myself, so the tourney did count toward player rankings.

The tourney was a "sealed deck tourney"(you buy a random 75 card tourney deck and two booster packs) and I was the only guy to get both the Stag Beetle(comes into play with X +1/+1 counter on it where X is equal to the number of creatures in play), and the Gigapede(a 6/1 creature which can't be the target of spells nor abilities).

My best move of all the games came during the second game of my second match(best two out of three games). There were six creatures out on the field and I played my Stag Beetle,see above, thus making it a 6/6 creature. Then two turns later my opponent played Clone, a really nasty really rare card that copies a creature and it's abilities, and "cloned" my Stag Beetle making it an 8/8 creature. Then on my next turn I pacified the Stag Beetle Clone, thus making it unable to attack or block. However, I still lost the match.

There is going to be another Friday Night Magic(FNM) tourney in two weeks and I am planning on attending that one, and I'll post about how I did after the tourney, that is assuming people show up like they did last night.