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View Full Version : Wisdom Teeth Out

11-01-2002, 03:33 PM
I just got my wisdom teeth removed, and it's not too bad. I constantly have the taste of blood in my mouth, and my jaw is numb from the novocaine, but other than that, it's not too bad. I also can only eat stuff like pudding and yogurt. Has anyone else had their wisdom teeth out and has something to say about it?

11-01-2002, 03:38 PM
Mine are still under the gums.
I expect them to come in within the next few years though, and there seems to be plenty of space for all 4 of them.

I'm glad I have space for them, I would hate to have to have them removed, and I've heard that if there isn't space they can hurt like a mother fucker and even fuck up your jaw if they aren't removed quick enough.

Lone Wolf
11-01-2002, 03:39 PM
Yea, it hurts like a bitch apparently. I never had any removed. They all fit in there nicely.

Kirby of Doom
11-01-2002, 04:26 PM
Great, now I have something to look forward to... real soon.

11-01-2002, 04:46 PM
Do they put you under, or just give you shots?..

I've had five teeth removed, and all from a rather "oldfashioned" dentist. None are experiences I'd like to remember.

11-01-2002, 05:38 PM
It wasn't that bad for me. I wasn't in pain at all, just really sleepy (due to the codene). But, it did take a while for the holes to fill in, and I kept getting food stuck in them, which wasn't fun. But, after getting 6 regular teeth pulled, getting wisdom teeth out was a piece of cake.

The Savior
11-01-2002, 10:43 PM
I'm getting mine out in a couple of weeks. They say that they won't put me under, but I won't be able to remember anything due to the anethesia.

11-01-2002, 10:47 PM
:cyclops: I remember when my brother got his wisdom teeth out. Spring Break 2001. I had to make alot of Jell-o for him, thats all he could eat. :meanie: I like Jell-O

11-01-2002, 10:56 PM
i didnt feel anything when i had mine removed

11-02-2002, 01:10 AM
That doesnt sound like much fun, if they told me i had to have my wisdom teeth pulled, i would cry....hehe

11-02-2002, 03:00 AM
My wisdom teeth haven't even come in yet, but I've had some other teeth pulled (baby teeth, not adult teeth ;)). As long as there's some anesthetic, it won't hurt :). All I felt was something yanking (felt no pain). Had to keep gauze in my mouth for about an hour to make sure I wasn't spitting blood though ;).

11-02-2002, 01:34 PM
mine were deep bone impacted and they had to put me under to remove them. i was off work for almost a week and was on painkillers for something like 10 days. it *really* sucked.
zaph had to drive me to and from and they made him stay in the waiting room the whole time. it took like an hour and a half and i came out of the anesthetic too fast and scared the nurse. that was pretty funny :D

11-02-2002, 01:45 PM
i had all 4 of mine removed. they put me under. it wasn't that bad. the oozing got annoying after a while though. and also i had a baby tooth with no permanent replacement pulled(or more accurately cut out...it was connected to the jawbone), and for that they justused novacaine

11-02-2002, 08:20 PM
I had mine out a little over a year ago. It was a horrible experience for me. The drugs I had for the pain didn't do anything, so I was in constant pain. :( It took about a week before I felt any better.

I was asleep for my operation. What about you?

11-02-2002, 09:52 PM
I don't think I'll have to have mine taken out. I have a lot of friends who've had to lately though. I'm just glad I don't think I'll have to. My mom didn't have hers taken out until she was in her late 30s.

11-02-2002, 10:58 PM
I had 8 of my teeth pulled out about 4 months ago. 4 Incisor teeth and 4 wisdom teeth.

I considered the first week a week in hell :cry: , I basically couldnt eat anything that was solid, I spent the week drinking thick chocolate shakes (which wasnt to bad :drool: ).

The most annoying thing that happend was after the operation or prosedure or whatever the hell yeah want to call It, I fell asleep right when I got home, Well because of those stupid gobs in my gums practically choking me!, I awoke 2 or 3 hours later to find my favorite pair of clothes and some spots on my bed covered in blood!

Well my gums are still sorta healing to this day and now Ive got myself a pair of braces :disgust: (which im about half way done with those), And I always have a tooth or two that hurts (My mouth was pretty crowded), But i guess this is just the road to "perfect teeth" :shrug: .