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11-01-2002, 12:47 PM

I don't think this is IGN Insider but if it is, lemme know and I'll post it here. It is extremely interesting. For example, they say that they will be focusing more on the 20+ audience from now on (starting with the releases of Resident Evil 0 and Metroid Prime in the next few days). Supposively they spent a crapload of cash advertising Metroid Prime :D

Anyways, check it out, it's pretty interesting.

11-01-2002, 02:46 PM
I read the first page, but I'm not going to read 7 pages of MacDougall talking about how good GCN is. I know it's good, I don't need some guy stuffing it down my throat. Unless the other six pages are about something else -_-

But i would think 70% of their stuff is sold to people under 18, not only 45%

11-01-2002, 03:19 PM
Can you say kiddie console?:laughing: j/k

That's nice though. Makes me think of getting a GC.:)

11-01-2002, 03:25 PM
interesting...game trailers. has that been done before? and i wonder what movies they'll be before

11-01-2002, 03:28 PM
I love Nintendo.

11-01-2002, 04:07 PM
I'm gonna go to the movies this november, just to see those.:D

11-01-2002, 04:35 PM

11-01-2002, 05:28 PM
\ RE0 I'm probably gonna hate. I like all the RE games I've played (1 2 3) but RE0, you switch between characters. I never liked games like that. /

11-01-2002, 05:53 PM
Very impressive article. I simply await Metroid Prime. In the past I've often gotten something just for 1 purpose, and everytime other uses emerge. For instance when I got my PSX, it was for MegaMan X4. And now, I have a shitload of games for it. My GameCube, while I think is going to waste at the moment, I also know, no nintendo system I've ever bought has been a utter failure. I don't see why Nintendo would start now. ;p

The N64 many viewed as a failure, when in reality it was lots of fun. The GameCube will be the same way I'm sure. Seems a bit slow at first though. N64 seemed to have more at the start to play. But maybe that's cause I loved Shadows of the Empire so much!

11-01-2002, 06:01 PM
and now people will probably stop calling GC kiddy.....maybe.....

11-01-2002, 06:05 PM
Yes, I agree with you about N64. If there was any failure, it was its lack of 3rd party support and cartridges. The first party games from Nintendo (and any others like Rare) made the N64 worth it. Some of the best games came out on N64.

I rented N64 before I could get it to play Shadows of the Empire one time. Its just one of those games that are good. I think it wasn't the best 10/10 game ever but like a 8 and really good to play. That level with Boba Fett took forever.

11-01-2002, 06:06 PM
No, they never will. Why? Because they choose to remain short sighted and childish. Nintendo is just trying to run their business well, which they are doing. They recently said they'll try to appeal more to the teen/mature market.

Edit: Ya mak, it was the lack of 3rd party support, and nintendo has realized this now, and have Capcom, Sega, Namco, and Square back to help.

11-01-2002, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Maverick_Zero
\ RE0 I'm probably gonna hate. I like all the RE games I've played (1 2 3) but RE0, you switch between characters. I never liked games like that. /

Have you seen what the guy looks like??? My sister almost had an orgasmic fury over him!!! I just like how he looks like a heavy metal fan...

I, personally, like games that you switch characters with... Yoshi's Island, for example... That, plus some MGS2... RE1 for GCN had you switch to Rebecca for a couple of seconds... SOTN had you switch from Richter to Alucard in a matter of seconds... Mega Man X3 had you switch to Zero in case of sticky situations... Castlevania 3 is my personal favorite that changes to charcters, possibly because you can do it ANY time durring the game... So, yeah... Games like that give it more perspective... Same with books... The book "Dracula" did it perfectly... You can see why I like this shit...

11-01-2002, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by Mottzilla
No, they never will. Why? Because they choose to remain short sighted and childish. Nintendo is just trying to run their business well, which they are doing. They recently said they'll try to appeal more to the teen/mature market.

Edit: Ya mak, it was the lack of 3rd party support, and nintendo has realized this now, and have Capcom, Sega, Namco, and Square back to help.

Yeah, it's true. There are extremely narrow-minded people on both sides of the coin (although it has been my experience that the Xbox fanboys are much much more annoying).. want an example of a certified Xbox fanboy? (that I would almost say is worse than DC)

Ended up having to close the thing cuz it just erupted into a huge-ass flamewar. He later bitched at me for closing it despite the fact it's my site and there was definately just reason ;)

11-01-2002, 07:48 PM
Heh, did anyone notice that Nintendo affirmed that they were working on Gamecube 2 (a successor to Gamecube)? Probably to compete against thoughts of PS3 and Xbox 2, as well as any exageratted rumors about Nintendo not making consoles anymore after GCN, misinterpretting what the new president said.

Gahh... that Raven guy is messed up. I'm interested in playing a few Xbox games, but yeesh, I wonder what the world would be like without Nintendo?

11-01-2002, 08:19 PM
Yeah, I saw that :D I was a bit worried they would try and stick w/ GameCube for longer than they should. That is good to know ;)

I found the Animal Crossing comment kind of funny :D haha.. the game was targeted for 12 and younger, and here they got all these adults playing and loving it :D haha.. you know, that might be a good sign for any future sequal. If you think about it, there were some really "kiddie" elements in the game, but that's probably mostly due to the intended target audience. Now that they know the game appeals to a large group of people, the next one might not be as bad in that area. I know there are certainly areas I would like to see improved (I think it would kick ass if you could buy a fishing boat and just sit out on the ocean fishing for knifejaws and coelacanths :D Stick a fishing shop on the coast where you can store and sell fish.. make it a whole job.. hehe..

11-01-2002, 08:34 PM
My sister just got Animal Crossing today. I played up until I did all the chores for the day for Tom Nook. It's fun. The graphics are definitely N64 or low poly, but what time they didn't spend on updating the graphics, it seems they spent on the actual gameplay...

I knew that they just meant they would try to make GCN last longer. Even with the NES days, plans for a 16bit system were worked on but not until Genesis was it necessary. You know, if Nintendo sticks to GCN for a long while, or the usual 5-6years, by the end of the GCN's life, the developers will really have a grip on the system and we'll see some really good games.

The only kiddy games I see are stuff like Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, Barney... I never played games just because they were realistic, it was that they were good. And a lot of Nintendo games are good. Even though I have some disappointment with how Super Mario Sunshine turned out towards the end, and it wasn't as good as SM64, I still greatly enjoyed the game when I played it. Its just having played games and Mario games for so long, there were things I would have liked to have seen improved. Still, it's because SMS is a good game that I enjoyed it. Whether or not someone likes that kind of game to not like SMS is one thing, but not liking it because of the graphic style and biased opinion on age is another.

I can't wait to play Metroid Prime, Metroid Fusion, Starfox Adventures, Pikmin (buy and play againeventually), and Zelda GCN.

11-01-2002, 09:11 PM
Animal Crossing is awesome. I played it everyday since I got it in September. There is tons of things they could expand in this game to make already better than it already is. I bought SFA and AC on the same day, and guess how much I've played of Starfox? ... Lets see, the last thing I remember doing is rescuing Tricky... Hehe

Oh, and that was a pretty good article. Kinda drops a bomb on you about how tough the game industy really is, but a nice read.