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View Full Version : Majestic-12

10-29-2002, 11:02 PM
i always find this stuff interesting...
Majestic 12 was a group of 12 people who organized all the stuff about the aliens. it was founded in 1947 after the roswell/area 51 incident. these government documents are supposed to prove it exists (which, of course, everyone tries to deny)

"An intensive ongoing effort has been made to establish the validity of the information, format, style, and other aspects of the three primary Operation Majestic-12 documents dealing with the establishment of a TOP SECRET group to handle the 1947 recovery and evaluation of a crashed alien spacecraft. Lengthy visits to numerous government document archives, review of other documents by the same people, contact with numerous knowledgeable persons, and investigation of the many arguments raised by skeptics has, to date, provided no indication that the documents are fraudulent and a host of small details which tend towards legitimacy for MJ-12."

Released in 1987, controversy still surrounds the Majestic 12 documents. Many point to them as evidence of the US military having recovered an alien spacecraft and bodies in the vicinity of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 ... others insist that they are a very clever hoax ... view the documents yourself!

THE MAJESTIC FILES (http://www.mufor.org/majestic.html)

Drunken Tiger
10-30-2002, 03:58 AM
Wasnt the organization MJ12 in that game... I forgot what the games called... But the main character was JC Denton.. Anyone know what im talking about??

10-30-2002, 07:05 AM
If those documents are real then the government has some explaining to do. :eek:

10-30-2002, 09:27 AM
I didnt click on the link...

I am scared of clicking on links. Ever since that one time *shudder*.

I was just looking through an email a buddy sent me and it had an address, the address. I clicked the link. WHAM, blinded. Screaming in pain and near vomit I slammed shut the lid on my laptop.

I still remember it. I cant close my eyes without seeing it....Argh!

10-30-2002, 10:15 AM
its okay, I dont think there are any "unhuman" pictures!

Glenn the Great
10-30-2002, 06:53 PM
Yeah, that was Deus Ex, which also featured the Illuminati.

10-30-2002, 11:31 PM
i'm talking about a secret US government project, not a part from deus ex...
do you think those pics are real? if so, comments?

Drunken Tiger
10-31-2002, 07:11 AM
Glenn, was MJ12 the one with teh 1337 sword?? Or was that the other group..

That game ruled!! But i lost it... :p

10-31-2002, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Verman
I didnt click on the link...

I am scared of clicking on links. Ever since that one time *shudder*.

I was just looking through an email a buddy sent me and it had an address, the address. I clicked the link. WHAM, blinded. Screaming in pain and near vomit I slammed shut the lid on my laptop.

I still remember it. I cant close my eyes without seeing it....Argh!

Yo momma a'int that bad lookin'. Represent brotha! Woooooooord.