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View Full Version : Rascists strike again

10-27-2002, 08:25 PM
I was playing football and our team was losing 14-16. There was a black lady from the other team who was very loud. She was funny at first until she started saying things that offended me. For one she started yelling "Stupid white coachs cant win a game (even though were 6-2)" and "Dumb Crackerjack reffs". Ofcourse no one said anything to her. What pisses me off is that I could get in a shit load of trouble if I started yelling "Stupid nigger reffs". I hate rascist people. We ended up winning.

10-27-2002, 09:38 PM
People like that piss me off. Loud obnoxious ass holes. If she think she can do better then why dont she get her black ass down there

10-27-2002, 09:45 PM
Whoa man. That was a little rascist itself. The only way the human race can overcome rascism is if everyone forgets about what race you are. It needs to be taken off applications and people need to stop using it for really anything except identification

10-27-2002, 09:47 PM
I hate to say this, but it's gonna be a damn long time before that happens :(.

10-27-2002, 09:56 PM
Have an adult ask her to please be quiet. And if that doesn't work walk up to her and politely ask her to shut the fuck up. :tongue:

10-27-2002, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by gdorf
Have an adult ask her to please be quiet. And if that doesn't work walk up to her an politely ask her to shut the fuck up. :tongue:

I 2nd that.

10-27-2002, 11:33 PM
Yeah I know it wont happen but thats the only way it will.

10-27-2002, 11:42 PM
Posted by matthew986
Whoa man. That was a little rascist itself. The only way the human race can overcome rascism is if everyone forgets about what race you are. It needs to be taken off applications and people need to stop using it for really anything except identification

If everyone forgets what race they are then thats even worse. I believe in order for a person to move ahead into the future they must remember where they came from. Otherwise they're lost.

I have heard all kinds of stupids Anti racist remarks like "Your not born with it". "Your not born with it" stuck in my head. I wanted to know why people are rascist.

I thought about it and I came to a conclusion. Why do people fight? Why do gangs kill each other. Why do you like the Mets and hate the Yankees? Why are there soccer riots where people want to kill each other for a stupid game?

The answer is simple. People are competitive and rascism is just another example of it. People are born competitive with their race and when people start calling you rascist names then thats like making fun of your teams competition. Except it hurts more. :(

Rascism will never stop no matter how you look at it. If theres no race then people will find something else. Like Yankee and southerner. People just need to learn to give respect as well as except it. :shrug:

Dart Zaidyer
10-28-2002, 04:40 AM
Firstly, there's no S in "racist". Secondly, it befuddles me how black people racially insult white people freely but when white people fight back, they instantly take the flak.

Can't we all just get along in a non-politically-correct way? (For the record: the answer is no.)

Lone Wolf
10-28-2002, 06:44 AM
Damn racists, I hate when that happens, it screws up a day.

Mr. 207
10-28-2002, 07:25 AM

10-28-2002, 08:22 AM
AT first Racisim started as the fear of difference, but that was long ago (thing the slave trading). Now it's just become a part of society through hatred and distrust. Quite simply because, no-one settled for half, and those that tried to, got 'removed' as both sides wanted it all. Thats what i think anyway,

10-28-2002, 08:46 AM
racism (Black+white) is pointless except for:
1. identification, eg. 'suspect is a black guy who sounds like Mr. T'
2. Sex, eg. 'DT likes Asians'
apart from that, it doesn't accomplish anything.

10-28-2002, 07:34 PM
What pisses me off is hipocrites... like this... Black people don't like it when white people rip on them (I don't like the idea either...), but yet, they like to rip on us... I know, white people have been REALLY harsh to them years ago, but... They wanted to be equals... But, they think it's ok to rip on how "we aint got the hizead fo society"... oh well... THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE CHRIS ROCK!!! CHRIS ROCK HAS A LISCENSE TO RIP ON WHITE PEOPLE!!! ;)

10-28-2002, 09:13 PM
Speaking as a referee, I'd have had that lady tossed out of the game. (Don't think that the refs can't do that either... most high schools are more than willing to remove fans at the request of the game officials.)