View Full Version : Anyone here live in or near London?

10-26-2002, 01:20 AM
Just curious after seeing a rumor thats been floating around the internet about London and I need to know if it is true or not.

If we have anyone who lives in or near London, or anyone who's been to London in the past week, have any of you seen this poster:

http://www.islandone.org/~pdeh/Big_Brother_is_watching_sml.jpg (http://www.islandone.org/~pdeh/Big_Brother_is_watching_sml.jpg)
(that's hosted in just one location it can be found on the net)

The rumor has it that that poster is plastered in various places in London in 1984-ish fashion. And that the UK already has the means to be 'Big Brother' to its citizens. While there is no factual evidence of the latter one, I would love to know if these disturbing posters are in fact there.

Drunken Tiger
10-26-2002, 02:12 AM
I know that obi lives somewhere close to there... BUt im not sure how close....

Im sure that already goes on... There was a tv show about what was actually caught on tape....

Lone Wolf
10-26-2002, 04:11 AM
I don't live near london.

10-26-2002, 04:48 AM
Well, I havent been to London in a while, but I know a few people that are there, I'll e-mail them the pic if you like. ALthough I've never heard anything about this.


10-26-2002, 07:21 AM
I live ~200 miles away from there :) (not sure of the exact distance, but it takes a coach at around 50mph 4 hours)

Dude, I haven't seen that, but I know what that poster looks like:
1. That's on a bus stop, usually you do find adverts there, but that's not important now.
2.the actual poster looks like it's for a cheesy 50's horror film, and probably is.
3.It's painted. any modern poster would be either CG or a photo.

Someone probably just ripped that image off of some film or something. either that, or it was taken about 50 years ago from a cheesy 50's horror film ad, and recently scanned in.
Either way, I'm surprised you think it's recent and/or authentic

10-26-2002, 10:13 AM
Suposedly the Metropolitan Police thought the 50's style imagery would be a better way of getting the message across.

I don't know if it is recent or even real, thats the problem.