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View Full Version : No THPS4 for PC

10-22-2002, 09:51 PM
Of course we all know THPS4 launches tomorrow, however Activision has no plans to release it for PC. This is incredibly stupid on their part - the PC versions have the best online play of the bunch (the xbox version doesn't have online play at all, even once xbox live launches). Without strong multiplayer modes, I see little point in getting this game. Besides, I have none of the next-gen consoles, nor do I plan on getting any soon.

10-22-2002, 10:00 PM
Yeah, but what are ya gonna do?

Final Fantasy VII was released for a non-nintendo console and I wound up immediately throwing out my "Nintendo Only" console policy and bought a PSX a year later.

Maybe you should revise your plans for next-gen consoles.

10-22-2002, 10:07 PM
And who actually bought it on PC? I know I didn't nor did anyone I know. Consoles were just made for THPS, not keyboards.

10-22-2002, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Daarkseid
Final Fantasy VII was released for a non-nintendo console and I wound up immediately throwing out my "Nintendo Only" console policy and bought a PSX a year later.

heh Square/Sony sent my a promotional video for Final Fantasy VII and after I had seen the commercials, that did it for me, except I never got a Playstation and FFVII and my PC is too crappy...

10-22-2002, 10:36 PM
Alexmax, I believe JJMaxx and DarkPanther are both masters of THPS3 on the net.

And although that's a shame, I wouldn't have bought it anyways. My computer doesn't do well with online play, and I prefer the reliability of the console to the incompatabilities and low framerates of a constantly upgrading market. I have heard that THPS4 is a more laid back game, and that it is a vast improvement over the last three, so you may want to reconsider.

10-23-2002, 01:02 AM
I only play THPS for the online play. So without it... :shrug:
Besides, the online play in THPS3 is still fun. And it appears that ctf (capture the flag) isn't returning in THPS4. So I'll stick with #3 for now.

And I know JJMaxx plays THPS - I saw his name in a thread at another message board regarding this topic earlier today. But I think he plays it on PS2.

I'm trying to decide if the big releases for GCN such as Metroid Prime would outway the vast library of titles for the PS2 if I ever did get one of the consoles, as I would only get one of them.

El Oso Verde
10-23-2002, 01:28 AM
Heh, I've got FF7 for PC. Got it because back then I probably only had my SNES... and maybe a N64, not sure. It works just dandy with my Sidewinder gamepads.

10-23-2002, 02:04 AM
Cloral, I got a GC rather than a PS2. While GC was quite fun, I got bored of it after awhile and now don't touch it. You'd likely get more play out of a PS2, because of the larger bunch of games. However PS2 doesn't seem to have high quality, polished off titles.

10-23-2002, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Cloral
the PC versions have the best online play of the bunch

Why's that?

Originally posted by AlexMax
Consoles were just made for THPS, not keyboards.

...why then can I plug a USB keyboard into my PS2 and have it work instantaneously? Why are the newer first person shooters keyboard and mouse compatible?

JJ and I used to network our PS2's and play online together through the same connection. My mind is so fine tuned to the PS2 controls, that even though a GC controller is extremely similar, just the slight slant of the buttons is enough to throw me off and make me suck so bad I wanna cry. I couldn't imagine playing THPS on anything but the PS2.