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10-22-2002, 11:56 AM
Which tiles do the bats use? I looked in the acrobat reader file and it did give me some numbers of tiles, but they are the wrong ones( 4880-4900 ):eek:
HELP ME!!!:cry:

10-22-2002, 12:26 PM
You understand the humor in that statement, don't you?

10-22-2002, 12:47 PM
The bats use the wrong tiles in beta 163, they use the same tiles as the Keese tribbles right now.

I got that info from this topic

10-22-2002, 01:38 PM
AcroBAT reader, now do you get it?

10-22-2002, 02:30 PM
lol, you had to see that didnt you:rolleyes:

So I guess I will have to wait for the next beta to be released before I can use the bats :( .
I wanted to make them look like evil alien bug things but I also need the keese tribbles to look like keese:cry:

oh well...

10-22-2002, 02:33 PM
Another reason why we need a full release. -_-

10-22-2002, 03:05 PM
Bring on the full release!!!!!:D

10-23-2002, 05:58 AM
Why didnt you just look where the bats wore in the tiles screen?

10-23-2002, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Jigglysaint
AcroBAT reader, now do you get it?
Aye.:laughing: :rolleyes:

10-23-2002, 06:04 PM
I noticed that problem as well. When I wanted them to look like bats they ended up looking like Keese Tribbles. I wanted them to be different enemies but this is getting annoying having to be stuck with KT tiles for bats, not the bat tiles! ;)

In the words of Dark Nation: "Time for a new beta, I guess."

10-24-2002, 08:14 AM

Well.. That was certainly invigorating... :kawaii:

I've actually never had problems with the bat tiles. The bat tiles have always been under the bat robes for me. I change those tiles to likelikes for testing purposes, and the bats look like Like Likes. I don't know what I am always different from everyone else.

Just wait till my new avatar... :sly:

10-24-2002, 12:09 PM
Yeah, no problem with bats!

And just wait till MY AVATAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:

10-24-2002, 02:52 PM
Y'know, it's really confusing to me, ( :confused: , BTW. :rolleyes: )
how we can get the bats right, but some others can't. why is it that our bats use the bat tiles, while some others use the keese tiles? It's quite odd. Right? :odd:

But what ever happened to those bats that transform into bat robes? That would be so totally nasty. Infinitely worse than even a room full of death knights. *shudders* :disgust:

10-25-2002, 04:22 AM
Explain that further..... I didnt get it..... :(

10-25-2002, 08:12 AM
Explain what? :confused: Just read over all my posts, and yours too, perhaps, and you'll get it. It took me a while too. :sweat: