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View Full Version : For those who care... man is this one ugly World Series game!

10-20-2002, 11:03 PM
This game has dragged on for over 3 hours now and it's only the top of the 7th. The score is tied at 9 with 25 hits and 2 errors between the two teams.

I wonder if there's any chance the game will get uglier than Game 4 between my beloved Sillies and the Blue Jays in the 1993 Series. Y'know, that 15-14 monstrosity that lasted over four hours, the longest 9-inning game in World Series history. (I have it on tape somewhere in my basement.)

This is some ugly baseball, folks.

10-20-2002, 11:14 PM
There are times to appreciate the beauty of a 1-0 pitchers duel, and then there are times like tonight to appreciate the beauty of one towering homer after another.

10-20-2002, 11:28 PM
i'm just happy they decided to pitch to bonds instead of walking him

10-20-2002, 11:51 PM
I'm not watching at the moment. Update me when someone goes to three games in the series, ready to win #4. Might watch sometime then.

BTW, I remember the 1993 series. Didn't see the entire game, but that Game #4 was a total mess. I heard the final score and couldn't believe it. Found it funny that the score was 2-0 Phillies in Game #5...then Carter's great homer in the bottom of the 9th in Game #6 while down 6-5 capped the Series. ;)


10-21-2002, 12:40 AM
Angels win.:) 11-10
Bonds hit a mammoth homerun in the 9th, but it wasn't enough.

10-21-2002, 02:52 PM
damn I wanted the Giants to win. Sorry, Im a home run derby fan, so sue me. :sweat:

10-21-2002, 02:57 PM
The Angels are going all the way. They lost Game 1 of the ALDS to the Yankees and took the series with three straight wins. They lost Game 1 of the ALCS to Minnesota and then took the series with four straight wins. They lost Game 1 of the World Series to the Giants and then won last night.... three to go!

For fans of a pitchers duel, like me, there was some consolation. Twenty year old Francisco Rodriguez pitches three innings and retires nine consecutive batters. He ties Randy Johnson's record for five wins in a postseason. He had never played in the big leagues until last September. :)

10-21-2002, 04:31 PM
To bad baseball sucks in the first place...

Watch a better sport such as football...Its awsome...

Of course there is always hockey....Which we canadians happen OWN in....


10-21-2002, 06:04 PM
Football is for people who can't play rugby. ;) Baseball is for people who have talent. Hockey is for people with missing teeth.

10-21-2002, 06:15 PM
hockey is the best baseball and football tie in at second

10-21-2002, 06:27 PM
Baseball is the best to play, Football is the most fun to watch.

And personally, I'm not interested in the series anymore. I was hoping the twins would get in, because after this year they aren't a team anymore. And I am a home-team yankees fan, so they're out. I hate bonds because he sucks and doesn't fit the title of Home Run King like Bambino did. Sosa could of, but Bonds is a jack***. And games that are blowouts are the most fun to watch, for either side. No! He didn't just hit another homework! Give me a drink! Chalk another up for the great one, Cheers!

10-21-2002, 06:30 PM
no hockey is the best to play not baseball....

10-21-2002, 06:36 PM
\ Hate to break it to you, but Hockey is the best. Baseball is all about money. If I won the lottery I (My geography teacher told me this two years ago) I could buy all the best players, and then win the world series, and sell them all back. And thats why I don't like baseball, so Football is second. Followed by Futbol, then baseball. /

10-21-2002, 07:03 PM
If that's the prevailing philosophy on baseball then why didn't the Yankees win this year? Why didn't the Dodgers or the Mariners make the playoffs? Why are the Red Sox such losers? Anyone who pays any attention to baseball knows that the money argument is bunk.

As for Bonds, he is one of the greatest to play the game. A year ago he hit 73 home runs. This year he batted .370. He's finally stepping up to the plate and helping his team in the playoffs. He has four MVP awards, with perhaps another on the way.

10-21-2002, 07:29 PM
honestly, what makes people think that other sports aren't monopolized by certain powerhouse teams. The Rams, although terrible, did have an excessive salary cap, as do the Red Wings, with very unbalanced teams.

And Baseball is funner to play than hockey. So Shut Up.
^Joke, don't be offended

And I didn't say Bonds wasn't doing well, I just don't think he's a hero like Babe Ruth or Yogi Berra are. Sammy Sosa does fit that description, so I'd like to see him do better. Bonds is just uppity and pompous in my opinion.

10-21-2002, 07:37 PM
Ruth was a drinker and womanizer, what's your point? Besides, I think "hero" is too strong a word for a baseball player. They don't save lives, they only provide entertainment.

Anyhow, which sport is more fun is a matter of personal opinion.

10-21-2002, 07:49 PM
i have no idea who i want to win the series. i like them both...

10-22-2002, 10:09 PM
I still say the Twins would have done well against the Giants had they made it that far. But those Angels and their lame monkey... dammit.

10-23-2002, 01:07 AM
The Angels suddenly grew an offense. Who knows where it came from, but they now lead the series 2-1...

10-23-2002, 01:51 PM
I forgot about lacross....very entertaining game...Very violent..

When I play a sport I want the interaction of smashing into people and things... Being bigger then most of the people I play with is also a bonus :P

Like playing road hockey..I can stick handle but I cant shoot. So i spend all my time taking out whoever is on the puck... So much fun to send the a guy flying into the snowbank.