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10-17-2002, 12:23 AM

apparently n.korea has a nuclear program, and they flat out told us. is it just me or are they asking to be bombed into the stone age?:confuse2: i really don't see what they're attempting to do. it seems like a really stupid idea to me

10-17-2002, 12:26 AM
I wouldn't get all bent out of shape about that. I doubt anyone is stupid enough (aside from in the middle east) to use any nuclear weapons.

10-17-2002, 08:02 AM
holy shit, another country OTHER than the US has nuclear weapons!? omg bomb them!! bomb them!!!
ugh, people like that disgust me. bush needs to stop being teh worlds goddamned police...

10-17-2002, 08:54 AM
Having a nuclear program isn't necessarily a threat to us. It's if they plan to use it that's a threat.

Nuclear weapons are just bargaining chips these days. Think about it. Little bitty Sri Lanka doesn't have any power in world issues, because their population is VERY small compared to other countries. However, after they develop a nuclear missle, all of a sudden countries like China start considering their opinions when things come up. I'm not surprised N. Korea has nuclear weapons. It's getting to the point where everyone has them.

10-17-2002, 08:56 AM
We don't have a nuclear bomb. Our prime minister is too busy being Bush's lap dog to worry about that.

Drunken Tiger
10-17-2002, 08:59 AM
Wasnt he criticising Bush's tactics after the Bali bombing??? :eyebrow:

10-17-2002, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Gerudo
holy shit, another country OTHER than the US has nuclear weapons!? omg bomb them!! bomb them!!!
ugh, people like that disgust me. bush needs to stop being teh worlds goddamned police...

Bush isn't policing anybody, he's just trying trying to procect his country. I don't blame him one bit, America is on everybodies hit list so any action he takes against nuclear weapons is fine by me.

10-17-2002, 02:29 PM
God Damn't! Someone(U.S.A) Bomb those MOFO'S!

Michael Moore
10-17-2002, 02:42 PM
Well they aren't a threat or anything, no point at all to bomb Korea. USA as it is has a rep of being a bully country.

10-17-2002, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Drunken Tiger
Wasnt he criticising Bush's tactics after the Bali bombing??? :eyebrow:
No not really. But at least he hasn't said anything about Iraq for days. Bali seems to have been a real wake up call for him.

10-17-2002, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by teddyboy420
Bush isn't policing anybody, he's just trying trying to procect his country. I don't blame him one bit, America is on everybodies hit list so any action he takes against nuclear weapons is fine by me.

lets try this again, shall we? teddyboy, listen (read) closely...

Originally posted by Gerudo
holy shit, another country OTHER than the US has nuclear weapons!? omg bomb them!! bomb them!!!
ugh, people like that disgust me. bush needs to stop being teh worlds goddamned police...
you see what i said at the end? notice the bold part... and look at these following examples...

Originally posted by Dark_Legend
God Damn't! Someone(U.S.A) Bomb those MOFO'S!

Originally posted by deathbyhokie
apparently n.korea has a nuclear program, and they flat out told us. is it just me or are they asking to be bombed into the stone age? :confuse2: i really don't see what they're attempting to do. it seems like a really stupid idea to me
notice again the bolded parts... i hope my sarcasm makes sense now...

now as far as policing goes, only if they are a threat...

10-18-2002, 02:41 AM
Originally posted by Mander
We don't have a nuclear bomb. Our prime minister is too busy being Bush's lap dog to worry about that.

Who's we? The U.S.A. certainly still have nuclear weapons capabilities. However we do not intend to use them, nor should anyone. Nuclear weapons are evil. They are far too much power for any humans to be weilding.

10-18-2002, 02:55 AM
"We" is Australia. I would have expected them to have a bomb or two, if only for security purposes... that they don't have one is rather surprising, though not shocking.

10-19-2002, 03:53 PM
When your power exceeds your intellegence and judgement then there is a problem. That's what makes monks and people like that so smart. They have hardly and power (pyhsical) so they have to rely on their intelligence and judgement only to change and help others. I boiled this post down because I don't feel like getting to wordy, but I hope I made sense.

10-20-2002, 01:43 PM
Why is it that when someone finds out that they have a nuke program, then people want to bomb them? THEY HAVE A FUCKING NUKE!!! duh.

10-20-2002, 02:04 PM
hold on. the problem i had with it is: they see what we're threating to do to Iraq because we BELIVE they are developing nukes, and other weapons of mass destruction. for north korea to come out and say that they are doing the exact same, is asking for the same treatment. well...at least they told us. better than them not telling us

3-Headed Monkey
10-20-2002, 07:01 PM
I'm tired of people criticizing GWB. There's a reason we are concerned with NK having WMD. I don't remember who said it, but someone in Bush's administration said that any nation that has a WMD program and irresponsible or corrupt leadership is a concern to the US. Guess who that falls under? Iraq, North Korea, China, etc. The United States is on all of their hit lists. Name one reason why Bush SHOULDN'T be concerned. Any President who wouldn't be concerned would be a fool. So stop calling GWB the "world's police" unless YOU want to be bombed back to the stone age.

10-20-2002, 07:58 PM
Bill Clinton was more of a "World's Police" than Bush is right now... Too bad Cinton wasn't part of the "Nookie Patrol"...