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View Full Version : My first quest

10-14-2002, 09:15 PM
I have finally gotten my first quest ready enough for a realeas. It is called Link's Adventures and this is a Beta version. It is complete but still needs a tweak or bug fix here and there. You can find it at the link below. Enjoy! Just to let you know though, it uses classic tiles and is pretty simple compared to the last few quests that have been released. Oh, and I did fix the error in the first cave that kept Link from exiting to the right place. Please post any errors/bugs you find here. Thanks. And can you let me know how the music sounds as I still cannot hear music in my ZC.? Thanks!



10-14-2002, 10:05 PM
Downloaded...I like classic graphics.

Have you tried editing your ag.cfg file? These settings should help your sound problem:

midi_card = MPU
digi_volume = -1
midi_volume = -1
digi_voices = -1
midi_voices = -1

10-15-2002, 09:02 PM
Having a blast playing your quest but I'm now stuck trying to get through the 4th Level. I have the Lens of Truth and have the map but I'm still stuck in the bottom rooms of the map. I did walk through the waterfalls but it ends up in an empty room. No treasure or anything. Also the orange tree that is near the the cave where you buy the ladder doesn't want to be burnt. It shows the candle when you use the Lens of Truth but it won't work when you try to use the candle.
Tried to put your cheat code in but that wouldn't work either.
Anyway its a good quest and fun to play.


10-15-2002, 09:28 PM
Downloaded. Sounds really cool. I like seeing what new questmakers can come up with. Usually a good traditional style quest.

10-16-2002, 12:17 AM
Thanks. About the tree by the ladder cave, you do burn it. But you have to stand in a certain spot to do so. Stand right next to the corner of the lake that is closet to the bush with out going all the way past the lake and enough space between you and the tree for the flame to get it, then burn. About the 4th level, it is still buggy in the warps from room to room. It's best to use a combination of the map and the cheat to get through until I can fix it sometime in the next few days. The cheat is link in all small letters, like the file says, and should work. Hope I was able to help you and I'm glad you're enjoying the quest. Also, the quest is unpassworded, so feel free to check it out and if you want to use anything, you can.