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View Full Version : Best steering wheel... ever...

10-14-2002, 12:43 AM
So, after having a funeral in a large plastic cylinder with a large, black, plastic bag in it, full of many type's of waste, right before garbage day, I said goodbye to a stupid piece of shit that did not deserve the name "controller"... It was a VERY small wheel for the PSX, on a little hunk of blue plastic with pretty letters saying "Nascar"... I button layout was nice on it, but the rumble feature sounded like my ass in the morning... And there were no foot pedals... There were pedals BEHIND the wheel, but the both napped off right after I bought it... Well, the thing was 10 dollars, so I might as well just have kept it until it really turned to shit... Well, it kinda shit itself out... Everything inside of it fell apart, making a really cool shattering noise while playing a game of "Driver 2"... I said goodbye to the hunk of shit... and decided to invest in 5 dollars more for a V3 controller by Interact on PSX... Well, got to Gamestop (not the one I got the other wheel from, a different GameStop... Oh, and the other one made out a receipt for me, and the guy acted like he put it in the bag, but he kept it... I guess he didn't want me to stop by if there was a "problem"...) and I looked around at some different racing controllers... Well, I couldn't find my PSX V3, so I was about to just go home without any luck... Until I noticed up at the front, a nice looking box... with the following picture on it...


Behold, the MC2 Universal Racing Wheel... Multi Platform compatibility, for PSX/PS2/GCN/XBOX, so I wouldn't have to worry about my "cheap ass" gaming on a PSX (remember, my PS2 was totalled... and I have no racing games for GCN so I didn't have to worry about a GCN driving game)... Well, anywho, why is this thing the best? Go to google.com and look up MC2 steering wheel or something like that, and look for some reviews... I saw some saying "*****" after they named off the different stuff on it... Speaking of which, let's hear about the thing...

-Compatible with PSX/PS2/GCN/XBOX
-Nice rubber grips for easy performance
-Great analog support
-Easy to reprogram buttons, analog sensitivity, etc.
-Little paddles under the wheel that make great shifting
-Nice light-up display of how hard you push the gas pedal, and it acts like a speedometer!!!
-Smooth foot pedals, you can push them vertically or horizontally, and they won't break!
-Great stick-shift for easier control you couldn't do wit pedals...
-BIG suction cups for easy table-top playing
-NICE leg supports so you can play it one you lap without it slipping
-Rubber feet under the foot pedals so it won't slide
-D-pad right in the center of the wheel, great for GTA3/Driver 2 type games.
-Great vibration feedback, giving you the feel behind the wheel!
-The most REALISTIC steering wheel of ALL TIME!!!
-Made by Mad Catz, meaning this thing won't break easy, and will last for years...

How proud I was to reach in my pocket to buy this thing brand new, at a value of 60$, and pull out... a 20$ bill... For this baby, 60$ is a bargain! Now, for 20$, could this go wrong? I got home, popped it in to my PSX, and started playing Driver 2 from where I last played it... Now, with it's easy control, I'm almost done with the game!!! Then, I decided to plug it into my GCN, turn on Star Wars: Rogue Leader, and do the car cheat, and drive around in that... Heh, sounds crazy, but it changed the whole experience of the game... AND IT'S NOT EVEN A REAL DRIVING GAME!!! And it's still a great experience... If any of you want a new steering wheel, I'd recomend this on the most... If you can't find one for about 20$, it's still worth the 50-60$ value... I guess there's a reason they put a "Professional Gamer Series" logo on the front of it... This is essentially the greatest steering wheel on the market... Entirely flawless!!!

10-14-2002, 12:49 AM
sounds cool. and i couldn't resist

Originally posted by Dracula

-Nice rubber grips for easy performance

-Rubber feet under the foot pedals so it won't slide

-Great vibration feedback, giving you the feel behind the wheel!

insert a :naughty: after each one of those

10-14-2002, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by deathbyhokie

insert a :naughty: after each one of those

I'l insert a :whap: after your post ;)