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10-13-2002, 03:01 AM
While trying to escape through Pakistan, Osama Bin Laden found a bottle in a cave and picked it up. Suddenly, a female genie rose from the bottle and with a smile said "Master, may I grant you one wish?"

"You ignorant unworthy daughter-of-a-dog! Don't you know who I am? I don't need any common woman giving me anything" barked Bin Laden.

The shocked genie said "Please, I must grant you a wish or I will be returned to that bottle forever."

Osama thought a moment. Then grumbling about the impertinence of the woman, he said "Very well, I want to awaken with three white women in my bed in the morning, so just do it and be off with you!"

The annoyed genie said, "So be it !" and disappeared.

The next morning Bin Laden woke up in bed with Lorena Bobbitt, Tonya Harding and Hillary Clinton.
His penis was gone, his knee was broken, and he had no health insurance.


10-13-2002, 03:02 AM

Drunken Tiger
10-13-2002, 03:32 AM

Nice one Jemsee!~!

10-13-2002, 11:24 AM
nice lol

10-13-2002, 11:45 AM
LOL... Don't get too fucking greedy :D

Reminds me of a joke...

Osama bin Laden and George W. Bush were walking through the desert in Afghanistan... George kept asking for peace, and Osama kept demanding a holy war... Then, Osama tripped on a golden bottle, and a genie popped out. He said "You have freed me!!! Now I'll give both of you a wish, but I must give the bearded fellow the wish frst, since he's the one that freed me..." So, Osama thought for a while... and said "I want a giant wall surrounding Afghanistan, 5,000,000 feet tall, and 5,000 feet thick... It must p rotect us from ANY attack from America..." George then said "Fill it with water."

10-13-2002, 11:53 AM

Lone Wolf
10-13-2002, 12:01 PM
LMAO, Thats was good.

10-13-2002, 12:39 PM
Yea what they said

10-13-2002, 12:43 PM