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View Full Version : Whats new in Vice City

10-12-2002, 09:49 PM
I've played all the PSX/PS2 Grand Theft Auto Games, and so I'm wondering, why should I get Vice City? Besides the enhanced graphics, more cars, and more misions...what else could they add?

10-12-2002, 09:51 PM
comes out end of month i think i saw a poster for it

10-12-2002, 09:53 PM
Well whats new? And don't tell me more interactional stuff...

10-12-2002, 10:41 PM
All kinds of stuff. It's set in a different time, with all new cars and people. Well go here (http://www.ign.com) and see for your self.

Personally, I can't wait for this game to come out. I already have my $50 set aside. (I sure hope my PS2 gets back soon, I just had it repaired and paid the bill yesterday. I hope it's in the mail now)

10-12-2002, 11:30 PM
a bit off topic, but my dentist appointment and school saved me from having to work the day it comes out. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. It's going to be crazy that day with 150 some people coming to get that one game. :rolleyes:

As far as I know, it has more vehicles and weapon than those that were in the first game, the different setting, much more audio and a city twice as big as Liberty City. But thats about all I know.

10-12-2002, 11:36 PM
I think you can ride motocycles now. Great for drive bys I'd think.

Lone Wolf
10-13-2002, 10:41 AM
Why should you get Vice City?, 3 words and a number


10-13-2002, 02:25 PM
It's more Grand Theft Auto goodness, with more areas. That alone would be enough to sell it.

But with Motorcycles, more weapons (chainsaws (!) ), better pol-esse (SWAT teams in helicopters, more cars, more radio, little touches (YOU CAN FINALLY SNIPE PEOPLE IN CARS NOW GODDAMNIT!!!)...

It's not revolutionary, just evolutionary. The only reason I get bored with GTA3 sometimes is that I run out of places to go and for cars to jack, and stuff like that. More goodness.

10-13-2002, 03:53 PM
YOU CAN? o.O What about with an Uzi or something? Or only the Sniper Rifle?

10-13-2002, 04:12 PM
For one thing, you can now enter buildnings in Vice City... that alone is going to be a revolutionary experience. The outside part of the game is AT LEAST two times as big. They actually hired more voice actors including the star of Goodfellas for the main character. You can shoot out tires or snipe through car windows. There are going to be insane stunts for boats as well as cars. There are motorcycles and helicopters you can use. There is more interaction. And these are just improvents made on what already was the greatest game ever... if they made no improvements and it was just different story and levels a fan of GTA3 would be a fool not to get it.

IGN has a lot of info on it. Trust me, if you own a PS2, like these kinds of games, and don't get it... you deserved to be locked away for waste of a PS2.

10-13-2002, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Dragon
... if they made no improvements and it was just different story and levels a fan of GTA3 would be a fool not to get it.

Trust me, if you own a PS2, like these kinds of games, and don't get it... you deserved to be locked away for waste of a PS2.

Amen, I am going to be at the mall as soon as it opens on the 22nd. I'm marking the days off on my calender (damn, I can't wait)