View Full Version : everything was fine, untill that hockey stick...

10-10-2002, 01:46 PM
So, i'm in gym, playing floor hocky. Intense game, i'm going after the ball when the kid in front of me high sticks and WHAM I get it in the face. It starts to bleen and I get sent down to the nurse, who informs me I gottta go to the ER to get stiches. It takes about an hour, waiting and all, to get 5 stiches,but the bright side, I get the rest of the day off :D .

Fatty Lumpkin
10-10-2002, 01:50 PM
Ah, lucky!!! Well, I guess that probably hurt, though.

10-10-2002, 01:58 PM
Five stitches? Where... I ran into a tv and had a similar problem... But that was 11 years ago...

Dirk the Daring
10-10-2002, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by stormwatcheagle
It starts to bleen and I get sent down to the nurse

Man, I hate to bleen....j/k. In the morning, play out the pain and stay home from school, turn it into a long weekend!!!

10-10-2002, 02:26 PM
yeah, bleed. Anywho, right between the eyes at the bridge of the nose. Luckly, my enormous brain took the initial shock and no damage was done to my skull.

10-10-2002, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by stormwatcheagle
yeah, bleed. Anywho, right between the eyes at the bridge of the nose.

If you see a guy named SSJ3500, punch him in the nose for me.

The irony is killing me.

Still, that sucks.... :/

10-10-2002, 02:55 PM
Obviously its true what they say....That a bigger brain doesnt mean that you are smarter in any way.

Dodge them hockey sticks boy...

But since its to-late do what any self respecting hockey player (specally canadian) would do and next time you get the chance give the dude a huge ass body check... :)

10-10-2002, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Verman
Obviously its true what they say....That a bigger brain doesnt mean that you are smarter in any way.

Dodge them hockey sticks boy...

But since its to-late do what any self respecting hockey player (specally canadian) would do and next time you get the chance give the dude a huge ass body check... :)

I'm gonna pretend i didn't read that insult about my inteligence and say Thanks for the warnimg.:rolleyes: :laughing:

10-10-2002, 02:57 PM
I got bit right there once by a dog. actually three wounds on the face at one time

10-10-2002, 03:06 PM
never needed stitches, never broke a bone...
never played hockey, except in gym

10-10-2002, 03:43 PM
I have gotten hurt playing sports before but never have I needed stiches.

Probably the most painfull thing was a cricket ball (a real one, none of those pansy rubber ones) being hit into my face. Then probably tennisball in the groin.

10-10-2002, 03:55 PM
One of the girls back in 6:th grade, she shot hard as hell, but with no aim whatsoever, I was in 5:th myself at the time.
anyhow, the bad aim of her paid off, I got a free football tatoo on my eye! :tongue:


10-10-2002, 04:10 PM
obi got cubed!!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!! cubed, for those who don't know, is three balls in the same area. think about it...... and we had a guy on our tennis team wo got cubed once a week. at least

10-10-2002, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by deathbyhokie
obi got cubed!!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!! cubed, for those who don't know, is three balls in the same area. think about it...... and we had a guy on our tennis team wo got cubed once a week. at least

You have no idea of how many times thats happened to me at all sports that include balls, Rugby, Golf (yes it's a sad fact but in our golf classes we would occasionally stand infront of other people to 'help improve' thier aim, very bad idea when the person has good aim...), Football (football in face stings :/), Water Vollebayy (ain't it called polo?) oh the list goes on....

10-10-2002, 05:27 PM
I've never needed stitches, and I've been hit with many types of balls. Once a little kid threw a rock at me, smacked me right in between the eyes. It was swollen for a few weeks...

10-10-2002, 06:04 PM
I got stitches once. I was running through a field barefoot, and some idiot left a broken glass bowl in it. Got 7 stitches on my... *checks both feet* left foot.

Drunken Tiger
10-11-2002, 03:10 AM
The closest i got to getting hurt was a sprained ankle!! :D:D

10-11-2002, 03:18 AM
Heh, I got hit in the head with a rock twice, got a concusion, ran into a tv. and fell through a suspeneded celieing, and as for getting hit by balls, just ask SWE to remember P.E. last year, I got hit by something almost everyday, didn't care though...

10-11-2002, 04:14 AM
i remember one of my first visits to world's of fun. i was aboot a wee lad of maybe 4 or 5 and i made the stpid mistake of sitting on a railing. i fell backwards and hit the back of my head on a brick. i had to get stiches i believe and i got to ride away in one of those shuttle thingies they had back then. :kawaii: