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10-08-2002, 03:59 PM
did anyone play the old battletech game? with the maps and pewter picies, and the character sheets? anyone thinking about or heard anything about the new one that they are working on similiar to warhammer?

10-08-2002, 08:45 PM
Hmmmm..I think so. What was the game for? Computer? I played a computer version I think.

10-08-2002, 09:43 PM
no, it was a tabletop game, with hex maps and the works. it was actually the game and storyline that inspired mechwarrior. friggin awesome. still play it with my cousins when i'm back home

10-09-2002, 01:38 AM
i didn't know they had a game like that for it. :sweat; now i feel so out of the loop.

10-09-2002, 01:47 AM
it's ancient, trust me. they stopped making most of the stuff like 5 years ago. if you want anything of the old stuff you have to buy it from some german company. but, the new stuff coming out, although no battletech as i've been told, is supposed to be pretty good. wonder if you can make your own mechs.

10-09-2002, 08:03 AM
sorry, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons for me.

10-09-2002, 12:07 PM
Actually, the new one is like MageKnight, not warhammer. Its called MechWarrior Dark Age

10-09-2002, 12:36 PM
ok. i hope it's good. if it's gonna take money out of the warhammer budget, it better be good. and axel, i have turned this into an rpgish war campaign. it was interesting.

Lone Wolf
10-09-2002, 12:42 PM
Nope never played it.

10-09-2002, 01:31 PM
Anyone play Hero Quest? It was Milton Bradley's attempt at a tabletop RPG. I had two of the expansion packs.

10-09-2002, 01:41 PM
i played that. several times. my same cousins who got me hooked on battletech had it, and we played it everytime i was over there

10-09-2002, 02:09 PM
actually AD&D has rules for huge massive army attacks. I incorporated it into my last campaign. there's a whole chapter devoted to seige weapons and buildings in the DMG.