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10-07-2002, 02:20 PM
It's official. I'm head over heels uncontrollably in LOVE with Avril Lavigne. I don't want to hear anymore about it.:D :heart: :D :heart:

Fade to Black
10-07-2002, 02:31 PM
Well...she IS hot. :) I don't blame you. I'm in love with my girlfriend and Latitia Casta.

10-07-2002, 02:39 PM
cool. I made a new sig image.:love:

10-07-2002, 04:27 PM
I absolutely dig hot chicks in baggy clothes. Nothin' better. I wish this whole "the more skin you show the hotter you are" phase would up and die already.

Link 101
10-07-2002, 04:31 PM
I know. Hey are those diamond earings on that pic? They look like earings in a box or something.

10-07-2002, 04:34 PM
nah I made them in photoshop with eyecandy.

Link 101
10-07-2002, 04:36 PM
Oh okay, they look really good. They look like real diamonds, rubies, saffires.

10-11-2002, 09:16 AM
alright sorry about the topic I made about this but I've been away for a few days and I just HAD to post about it :p I can understand you point of few, why do you think I have her in my avatar? :)

but do tell me, is it just her looks? because musically, it's ok, but not very dificult or talented. Plus, she is kindoff a rip-off. Not a poser though, she is what she is but she did get some mayor help to get where she is now (read: co-wrote all of her songs, got a full band as a birthday gift [or so it seems] and got hyped by the record company])

anyway, no dissin from me, like I said, why do you think I have her in my avatar ;)

Drunken Tiger
10-11-2002, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by DarkPanther
I absolutely dig hot chicks in baggy clothes. Nothin' better. I wish this whole "the more skin you show the hotter you are" phase would up and die already.

I completely agree with you on this one DP!! :D



10-11-2002, 11:15 AM
She IS pretty damn hot, but isn't she only 15 or something?

10-11-2002, 04:05 PM
17, I belief she turns 18 in febuary but don't pinn me to it

bet ya 5 bucks she's a Capricorn like all great musicians ;)