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View Full Version : Hate thy predecessor

10-06-2002, 07:18 PM
Originally a great idea by EWild, I'm making the AGN verison here.
It's the same as The Person Above Me, except that you have to tell something you hate about the person who posted before you.
You don't neccesarily have to tell the truth.

Ex: I hate bdb2007 (who should have named himself UpbeatPenguin) because his screen name sucks.

So go ahead...and hate everyone.

10-06-2002, 09:08 PM
Uh, try scrolling down a bit. Hate about your predecessor.

10-07-2002, 06:10 PM
Oh, crap. With a 56k connection, I'm too lazy to brows e through and waste time.

10-08-2002, 09:11 AM
^ has a stupid slow connection

10-08-2002, 05:33 PM
^ Is... uhhh... a... ummm... PooPoo Head... uhhh... yeah... a PooPoo Head...

10-10-2002, 01:45 PM
Go on ahead, bump the topic