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View Full Version : Victory is mine hehe

10-03-2002, 05:53 PM
I just beat halo. Coolness.

I love the feeling of beating a game. Granted, I beat it on easy, but it wasn't very easy. I thought it was challenging, intense, and fun. I don't know if I have the guts to play it on hero or legendary mode.

We'll see. For now, however, the universe is safe.

Next game on my xbox agenda: Terminator, Dawn of Fate

10-03-2002, 05:58 PM
Did you like the last level? It was the only level that got my attention near the end. But it was worth it. :)

10-03-2002, 07:24 PM
Oh man, I liked nearly all the levels. The only level/levels I got bored with were the ones were you...where you...well I forget what you were supposed to do, but I remember that I was walking through endless corridors that all looked the same, then I would find a room full of guys, and repeat. Oh, and all the rooms full of guys in this level looked identical. It was like they use copy/paste when they made the level. It was boring. But all the other levels were really sweet, and I loved the gameplay.

My favorite weapon was the shotgun.:D

10-03-2002, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Beldaran
Oh man, I liked nearly all the levels. The only level/levels I got bored with were the ones were you...where you...well I forget what you were supposed to do, but I remember that I was walking through endless corridors that all looked the same, then I would find a room full of guys, and repeat. Oh, and all the rooms full of guys in this level looked identical.

Which level? The one with snow in it? They did it TWICE...to wit...

And I beat it in two days on Easy. Not to brag, I just did. ^_^

10-03-2002, 08:45 PM
eh, beating a game on easy is fine, that would be the run on fun mode, where you're really just trying to go with the storyline. You really don't care as much about gameplay or strategy as much because it's all about the story.

I love beating a game on its hardest difficulty. I did it with Max Payne a while ago, and it was totally intense. A very hard thing to do. MoH:AA is what I've been working on on and off recently on the hard difficulty. Don't like some levels, though...

Glad you like Halo, Beldaran, I'm planning on purchasing it when it comes out on PC...though I'm not sure if I could run it, we'll see...

10-03-2002, 09:31 PM
Yes, I just started a game on "Legendary", the hardest difficulty and it is much more fun. I no longer feel like I am plowing through enemies like a knife through hot butter.

And I too beat Max Payne on ALL the difficulties, and it was indeed an intense experience.:)