View Full Version : Favorite console

10-02-2002, 06:04 AM
Whats your favorite console?
Mine is the Genesis!

El Oso Verde
10-02-2002, 11:55 AM
I love my SNES! I think it's the best system/game-lineup ever. It may not have the graphics of the new consoles, but damn was it ever fun!

10-02-2002, 12:01 PM
Two things....

1. Why didn't you put a poll?

2. My sweet sweet Gamecube. ULTIMATE POWER!!!MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:laughing:

10-02-2002, 02:08 PM
SNES deffinitly, while it had the graphix and memory abilities to pull off what it wanted to do, it still required good story and gameplay because graphix couldn't get it everywhere. where as new consoles tend to rely soley on graphix.

10-02-2002, 03:14 PM
It's between NES and SNES for me.

10-02-2002, 03:16 PM
Id say my snes. although my ps2 ranks up there at times the snes still owns my heart for video games

10-02-2002, 03:26 PM
snes. you could even play the old game boy games on there in full color. although most didn't look right.

10-02-2002, 04:01 PM
My favorite is the only one I have, which is an xbox.

10-02-2002, 05:08 PM
I really like the NES and SNES. Those are my favorites from that era. And Dreamcast is my favorite of the newer age.

10-03-2002, 06:31 AM
Yeah! The Dreamcast is rally a dream console, sadly its dead :(

SEGA has always made the best consoles and games!

10-03-2002, 10:15 AM
My favorite console?
I guess Snes. I have the most games for that.
Followed by PSX.
I have a PS2, which will be my new fav. after I build my library, but I keep going back to the Snes and Snes games.

10-03-2002, 11:27 AM
SNES was quite possibly the best console.. NES is close, but there were so many bad games on the system too, it's hard to say it's the best. I dunno.. both were pretty damn groundbreaking. But I will go w/ SNES..

10-03-2002, 03:08 PM
my favs would be the snes, nes, psx and dc. http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/myanimepage/mini_ami.gif

10-03-2002, 03:32 PM
If I still had my SNES with ALttP, that would be 2nd.:)

10-03-2002, 04:12 PM
SNES indeed was an amazingly system. However, it was competing with the Genesis. Both systems had different techs avialable. For instance SNES had real translucency. Genesis had raster effects. Genesis had a 68000 processor, while SNES used a less powerful and cheaper 16-bit version of the 6502, which name escapes me right now. However SNES made up it's lack of power with several chips contained in the carts.

C4, SA-1, SDD-1, SFX, SFX2, DSP.

However the genesis had some addons that really were superior to the power of the snes. For instance the SegaCD, it contained I believe another 68000 cpu, and more memory and such. It actually used CD as a storage medium. Then the 32X, this had 2 SH-2 processors! One cpu drove the game, the other drove the music/sound. And ofcourse these addons tapped into the original power of the genesis. The genesis probably would haev done much better had it gotten proper support.

10-03-2002, 04:22 PM
NES, GB, and SNES.