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View Full Version : lol Right on, Penny Arcade! SC:Ghost consoles vs. pcs

09-23-2002, 10:40 PM
It started with last Friday's post about Starcraft: Ghost being a console game and not for PC.


From today's post


"I am completely astonished by the stupid crap I've had to tolerate regarding this Ghost thing. As often as not, it's a clumsy segue into some screed about consoles or PCs which I'm sure sounded very smart when you wrote it. It is the sterling, unerring quality of this discourse that has inspired today's comic, in fact. I have neither the time nor the energy to disabuse you these notions, which have apparently dismantled the whole of your mental apparatus. If you've been avoiding consoles because you see them as childish, while you yourself are a man of erudition who only deigns to use a machine befitting your elevated intellect, there is no way for me to describe to you how far off-base you are. You can't even see the base from there. You're looking around, but you can't find it. Where's the base?

No online play on consoles? No innovation? Those aren't simply false, they're criminally negligent. They do not even resemble reality. Don't send us anymore hatemail about this garbage, as it has the opposite of your intended effect. It is a sweet odour to us, like an offering. We forward them to each other and laugh at you, we trade your worst moments in joy and exultation. So, keep shaking that tiny fist! From here, it looks like a puppet show. "


09-23-2002, 10:44 PM
I lost a lot of respect for Penny Arcade a few months ago, but I still like it most of the time.

I couldn't agree more with the above quote.

09-24-2002, 01:03 AM
lol, that was great. And I love the ending, "Join us tomorrow night, when I slap a guest with my dick." Pure genius!

09-24-2002, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by Menokh
I lost a lot of respect for Penny Arcade a few months ago, but I still like it most of the time.

I couldn't agree more with the above quote.

What was it? Their dissappointing apathy for what is apparently Microsoft's plan to destroy our freedoms and end our lives? Their anti-furry remarks?

I've found that Gabe and Tycho are extremely on the mark with their views and are just as good at making those views known. I also agree with nearly everything they say. They way they put things into proper perspective amid an internet largely populated by nonsense is highly refreshing.