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09-21-2002, 11:40 PM
The cube. The object that I bought with my own money and with a single act reduced Microsoft's Xbox market share by a very small amount.

Initial Impression: I thought that the cube woud at least be a little bit smaller than the size of the box, though it never occored to me how they would fit that plus a controller in there. But i am quite amazed. This thing is not only TINY, it's LIGHT! Peftect for traveling or when i finally go of to college. Too bad that block of an AC adapter is about 1/4 th the size of the entire cube, or else this would REALLY be portable.

The Controller: I have had some experience with a cube controller before, but holding one is quite an experience. Surprisingly, it's about equal with the Xbox controller in terms of continuity comfort, but buttons are a hell of a lot easier to identify and press than the other Mabiatsu Monstrosity of a controller. I am skeptical, however, of FPS implimentation, although if the control was done like Halo, I would be happy.

Graphics: If there is any doubt of the cube's capabilities with graphics, they were quelled when I booted up Resident Evil. I have never seen better graphics on any console ANYWHERE.

The Games: I will state this simply. Anyone who discounts GC's games based on their cutesy nature needs to quit worrying about the penis size and get back to the fucking game. Playing a few odd games on my friends GC has told me this already, but renting my own confirms it.

But this is just after one night of unabstained playing. Will my opnion change? Perhaps. I'll let you know in a week, Belderan style... ^_^

Lone Wolf
09-21-2002, 11:49 PM
Well congrats on getting the cube! It is indeed tiny and very portable. Can't wait to get one myself.

09-22-2002, 12:01 AM
Ah yes, the joys of a new console.:)

I stood in software etc. for over an hour trying decide between an xbox and a gamecube, it was a TOUGH decision. Your descriptions sound accurate and the cube sounds really sweet.

Have fun!:thumbsup:

09-22-2002, 12:47 AM
The GC is a nice system, but it lacks a proper controller and games, IMO. Where are my capcom and namco games? ;p

09-22-2002, 03:00 AM
I think Namco has plans for GC games, although I could be wrong.

Anyhow, I have one major gripe about the Gamecube controller, the placement of that goddamned Z-button!

However I have had lots of fun with my GC, and thankfully the Z-button is only used for minor things if at all. I'd have to agree with Alex's assessment fully.

On the games side, I don't have many at the moment and there are only 4 out now that I want but don't have; but there are games coming out in the next few months that I can't wait to get.

09-22-2002, 04:03 AM
Originally posted by AlexMax
The cube. The object that I bought with my own money and with a single act reduced Microsoft's Xbox market share by a very small amount.


I couldn't help but remember this comic because of what you said above...

09-22-2002, 04:04 AM
LMFAO Daark you are the SHIT.:pimp:

09-22-2002, 05:19 AM
i too will have a cube within a week. and a new pc. and possibly that dreamcast i've been looking for aboot a year and a half now. still need to find a good one at a used store. :kawaii:

09-22-2002, 07:14 AM
I was wondering if it would be cool to put the Z button on the bottonm of the left side.... you use your pointer finger for R and your middle finger for Z, hold the controller and where you middle finger is, that would be a good spot for a Z. Then you barely have to move any fingers to push the buttons, except your thumbs. ;)

My GC wishlist: RE0, LoZ, Metroid Prime, F-Zero GC, SFA, PSO, FF, Mario golf, kart, tennis, and party 4. That is just a little part of the list.....

09-22-2002, 11:31 AM
Daark: Too bad I'm not a trakkie. ^_^

Anyhow, I have one major gripe about the Gamecube controller, the placement of that goddamned Z-button!

It's a bit easier if you use your middle fingers for the L and R buttons (if you use it often). However, this is just me, and I have no problem with my finger making a quick tap up for Z.

09-22-2002, 11:37 AM
Enjoy your GC.

09-22-2002, 11:51 AM
I think Namco has plans for GC games, although I could be wrong.

You´re not wrong. Namco is currently working on a StarFox game!

Link 101
09-22-2002, 11:53 AM
Yeah enjoy! I plan on getting one for Christmas. I want Star Fox Adventures.

09-22-2002, 12:21 PM
RAAR! Evryone has a GC but me, even my little cousin has one.....

Get the right games and you'll have tonnes of fun Alex Macz

09-22-2002, 12:43 PM
For the L and R buttons I just use my pointer finger. When I want to use Z, I move my pointer finger from R to Z.

Congradulations. I had a lot of fun when I got GCN last Christmas with Rogue Leader and Smash Bros., that was a great Christmas. Now I've gotta decided if I want to get Starfox Adventures or not next week.

09-22-2002, 04:02 PM
Gamecube is a good system, and would be better if they had more games. I LOVE the controller because of its size and button placement, and also because the analog stick is comfortable (I HATE the PS/PS2 analog stick, although their controllers are pretty good). As for games, I don't give a crap whether they're cutesy or not as long as they are fun to play and engross me for hours on end (like SA2 and SSBM did). I am dying to get Metroid Prime once it comes out, and will buy that along with SMS after I finally purchase my Playstation and Lunar:SSSC :D .