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View Full Version : Populous: The Beginning

09-18-2002, 07:52 PM
OMG this game is so much fun! I recently "acquired" the full version of this game, and it is so damn cool. It is fairly old, but it's still a lot of fun. It's essentially a RTS game.. in fact, I think it was one of the first RTS titles to use 3d rendering (one of the first I have played anyways - there may have been a couple before it). The terrain is all 3d, but the units and stuff are sprites.

Basically, the idea is that you get a Shaman who can cast a bunch of spells, and then you can build up several units like any other RTS game. Braves are like Peons, Warriors are basic infantry (like Footmen), Firethrowers are just like archers (they throw fire :D), and then there are Priests and Spies. Priests are annoying as hell because they can convert enemy units to their side. So it's hard to get near them as they will convert anything except your Shaman and other Priests. Spies are ok, but not that useful. They can disguise themselves as an enemy unit, and then go in their town and set fire to their buildings. Doesn't do a ton of damage to them tho. And for some reason the computer always tends to see my guy (sometimes before he can sneak in there). It's more annoying for them to sneak into my town (even if I see them, it's hard to attack them or whatever right away before they burn buildings).

Anyways, the cool part of the game is all the spells. Basically the more followers you have, the faster your mana regenerates, and the faster your spells regenerate. There are some cool ones too.. I personally like the terrain-altering ones.. Erode is fun as hell because you can cast it on enemy buildings on low ground or close to the shore and watch the things sink into the ocean :D Earthquake is also really fun. The best is Volcano tho. That one kicks so much ass. Basically, it creates this huge-ass mountain where you cast it (always cast in the middle of the enemy base :D) and lava comes out and burns everything and everyone that the mountain part doesn't destroy already :D Tornado and Rain of Fire are also cool, but not as cool as Volcano :D

Anyways, this game is awesome..

09-18-2002, 07:58 PM
Have you ever played the original Populous? If so how is it different.

09-18-2002, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by slothman
Have you ever played the original Populous? If so how is it different.

No, I haven't played it. But from screenshots I have seen it looks to be very different.

09-18-2002, 11:58 PM
Are there any screenshots online?

09-19-2002, 11:01 AM
Sheesh, I went to Bulfrog's site, and they're doing matinence on the populous site, the game was made 5 years ago! Why would they be updating it?
Anyway, I want the full version of that game! I played though the demo fifty times, and I'm still not tired of it.
Slothman, I've played populous 1 and 2 and this is pretty different, you can't cast spells if your shaman is destroyed(she reincarnates in your base) and your followers aren't very powerful, it takes 20 of them to destroy a hut(I don't think you can capture buildings either).

09-19-2002, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Triffid
Sheesh, I went to Bulfrog's site, and they're doing matinence on the populous site, the game was made 5 years ago! Why would they be updating it?

I know, I tried to go there to find the patch.. it's gay as hell..

Anyways, here are some screens I pulled off IGN:














09-19-2002, 03:58 PM
The original looks better. There is just too mush stuff and a small area you can see in those screenshots.

09-19-2002, 04:15 PM
I rented the original Populous for SNES a long time ago. Cool game, but somewhat confusing.

And if you want a funny RTS, try the Baldies. Silly game. :)

09-20-2002, 10:03 AM
I remember my friend showing me some sort of 3d Populous game for the PC. It was really neat, and strange, esp since the only RTS games I had played were Blizzard games. But yeah, you like go around and convert people into your tribe, and I think you have powers that can make it rain or thunderstorm w/ lighting to make the people afraid of your god.

It's definitly a unique and fun approach to the RTS genre.

09-20-2002, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by vegeta1215
I remember my friend showing me some sort of 3d Populous game for the PC. It was really neat, and strange, esp since the only RTS games I had played were Blizzard games. But yeah, you like go around and convert people into your tribe, and I think you have powers that can make it rain or thunderstorm w/ lighting to make the people afraid of your god.

It's definitly a unique and fun approach to the RTS genre.

You are thinking of Black & White :D

09-20-2002, 10:20 AM
Hmmm, well, you can do some kinds of spells right? To scare the people?