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Ibis, God of Magicks
09-17-2002, 02:12 PM
Over the past week I've learned alot of things about family. Crazyniss man, let me tell ya. I've been dissowned by mine within the past couple days, But I've arrived at a very important place in my definition of family.

Yes, family is who you choose. Blood has nothing to do with it, I've found that blood us rather thin now adays.

Only three people of MY family are acutally blood.

But, i have to tell you, I like this alot better. It easies the soul. Mikes live a lot more fun, and more enjoyable.

Now, I'm not saying be an ass to your blood, I'm just saying, blood doesn't mean family. People have to earn that respet from you. No matter what your age.

09-17-2002, 02:15 PM
... right you ok man sounds like you went through a lot recently

09-17-2002, 02:40 PM
Whoa, I sense something deep.

Hope all works out, man. :)


09-17-2002, 03:25 PM
rent an apartment :blah:

09-17-2002, 03:57 PM
Wow, very insightful considering the things that you had to go through. Sometimes I wonder if I actually fit into my family. I feel that the only people who even consider my existence is my immediate family, and a few others. Heck, I know for certain that my Uncle doesn't like me much. I also used to be at odds with Grandmother when she was still alive. I often felt that I didn't belong. Family can be blood, but it can also be the bond that you have with a family member. The other thing is that I believe that having a family is well worth it, despite the obsticles. I do not look kindly on people who disown their children or parents. Being in the LDS church I hear many stories of disownment because a person decides to join, but the family member refuses to adknowlege their existance after that. Anyway, we are here for you if you need emotional support, because I hope we accept each other despite our backgrounds and beliefs, for who we are. As long as you can type choherent posts, we will not hate you.

09-17-2002, 04:05 PM
JS, I'm using that last line in my sig. Note, however, that I have corrected the spelling of "coherent".

Renting an apartment is one expensive option Ibis has...and may be the only one, if he really needs to get away from his family. The question is, if he doesn't, where will the self-proclaimed God of Tetris go? (Bah, get me a game boy and game pak, and I'll show you who the God of Tetris really is...)


09-17-2002, 08:34 PM
My grandad tried to shoot our cat three weeks ago. So yeah, family is who you choose.

09-17-2002, 08:41 PM
yeah. i know i can't stand my family. but that's why there's college. heheheheheh

09-17-2002, 08:45 PM
My mother's side of the family is very clan like, so we're all fairly close as far as family can usually get(as I've discovered). My father's side of the family is less so, much more independant(likely because my father's parents split up when he was young).

Drunken Tiger
09-17-2002, 10:12 PM
Damn Ibis!! I hope it all gets sorted out for you!!

09-17-2002, 10:12 PM
Lemme guess... You recently had an argument and now you're all mad at each other. I was right, wasn't I?

09-17-2002, 10:26 PM
Ibis, I hope everything is alright :)

As for your post, you're right. The only people on my mom's side of the family that I get along with are her parents, and her mom's kids... her dad's kids (which there are a lot more of) are assholes and they don't like me. On my dad's side, I like none of them, 'cept my grandpa. Half the time I don't even like my dad.

My friends are more family to me than anyone, though.

Ibis, God of Magicks
09-18-2002, 04:01 AM
Originally posted by Paradox
rent an apartment :blah:

well, actaully I'm buying a house. I'll have it before the end of November. From there I'll chill for a few months, save money, then start college.