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View Full Version : Consider This...

09-16-2002, 10:04 PM
I'm 12 (hitting 13 :D) and have spent all of my life at a school called seneca (named after the town) and was treated like dirt (literaly :() I was the most unpopular kid at school and my friends liked the guys who beat me up...OFTEN

NOW consider this
recently I finally moved up with my dad to The city an hour away from seneca and start my new life at a new school and only 10 day into my new schooll life a lot of people like me and not just all the guys :D

now no matter how hard I tried I wasn't getting very far socially but then when I didn't try at all it seemed like i achived my goal

could this be the secret to popularity OR were the seneca kids IDOITS... you decide

weird huh? :confused:

think about it though.

09-16-2002, 10:07 PM
i found out the hard way not to try so hard. if you are constantly try to please everyone, you will wind up pissing a lot of people off. so then i just try to lay back and just be myself. dont sweat it, just remember to enjoy your school years, and make friends. i'm out now and must say i wish i could go back and do a lot of it over.

good luck to ya :)

09-16-2002, 10:11 PM
thankz I will "not" try as hard as I can :)

09-16-2002, 10:14 PM
try hard at your school work, just not trying to please everyone

09-16-2002, 10:16 PM
dont worry I got my schol work down ;)

09-16-2002, 10:20 PM
be yourself. thats the best advice i can give anyone. even if peopel dont like you, atleast your not living a lie.

09-16-2002, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by _dark_link_
dont worry I got my schol work down ;)

Hit the books a little harder, man. (school books, that is)

j/k ;)

09-16-2002, 10:22 PM
ya well i was being myself at seneca wich makes this whole thing...weirder

but I was ttring to hard also