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09-15-2002, 06:41 PM
Well I played EA BIG's latest project, Freekstyle. EA BIG has been known to make extreme sports (snowboarding, motorcycles) into more extreme games. Same with Freekstyle. The controls are the same. You use L+R+Y+X to do moves and Z to tweak them, aka do more moves. That's a lot of moves. Put in about 4 special moves per rider and you got your self a lot of variety.

There's new clothing that you can open (Completing the trick book, and getting 20 combos) dont worry, it tells you this IN the game. ;) There are 4 bikes, including the starting bike, all of which you need to unlock by winning races in Circuit. And there are 8 riders for you to unlock also. :)

There are a bunch of modes:
Circuit= A series of races inwhich you can gain various things
Single Race= a single race 1PL or 2PL
Freestyle=do tricks to gain points
Freeride=ride around your favourite tracks to beat lap reacords, or to figure out stragies

GRAPHICS: 9.5-10
Very good graphics, especailly the graphics of the characters on the select rider screen. No real flaws, just it's not perfect. ;)

It sometimes gets hard to press L+R+Y+Z but most of the time it's not that hard.

MUSIC: 10-10
God the starting track is awsome, and the intro is just as good with it. Good sounds for the bikes and riders, very good tracks. But you can't change them, but they aren't annoying or anything so it doesn't matter.

Sometimes it seems impossible to beat the computers, but most of the time it's not too hard. The realistic feel of the physics are good, it feels like a real bike. And even with the out-of-this-world height on the jumps, it's sweet. :) The levels are well put together and no complaints here. Loads of shortcuts and alternate routes are good and they take skill to do, which is a good thing. ;) My only complaint is that the computer sometimes are fast and hard, but most players won't mind this.

100+ tricks, 50+ combos, 1PL, 2PL, 8 riders, nuff' said. ;)

All in all a good renter and a good buyer. Rent it first just in case you don't this kind of genre. And "BRRRRRAP" is just what Mike Metzger says at the end of the intro. Sounds very cool, and funny. ;)

Lone Wolf
09-15-2002, 08:07 PM
That game is fun as hell, I just think they needed more characters. Though I loved the tricks and the insane moves and tracks. That game was definetly fun!

09-15-2002, 08:26 PM
Yeah...I DEFINITLY agree...........:lmao:

09-15-2002, 08:41 PM
Are you refering to the Gamecube version?

And you forgot about NBA Street ^_^

Lone Wolf
09-15-2002, 10:06 PM
Well my reply was reffering to the PS2 version.

09-16-2002, 06:08 AM
Well the GC and PS2 versions are mostly the same. I didn't say NBA Street (even though it was good) because it's not an extreme sport. ;)