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09-15-2002, 03:47 PM
I've been using ZC for over 6 months now, and I'm wondering how you become a beta tester.

I'd like to know:

- 1) What I have to do as beta tester (apart from finding bugs :laughing:, I mean do I have to be quite active or anything like that?)


- 2) How do I become a beta tester?

I've been wanting to be a tester for quite a while now, is there any chance of that happening?

09-15-2002, 04:03 PM

09-15-2002, 04:08 PM
Actually , from what I hear , there are a few openings. Or have they already been filled?

Kirby of Doom
09-15-2002, 04:08 PM
There was a thread a while ago (I think it was Darth Chronic) looking for beta testers. I, sadly, didn't make it :cry:

Anyway, if you want to become a beta tester I guess you can PM Darth Chronic or Dark Nation.

09-15-2002, 04:22 PM
It seems they usually pick people who know the program really good, and have figured out how to do new things.

The first time that I was picked, was after I showed these pics.

09-15-2002, 04:26 PM
"Thou was chosen before thou was born"

Actually, Vel, you were in line for a long time because of your Insane Mario Quest and other thing.

09-15-2002, 04:29 PM
Best way to become a beta tester is not to bug the hell out of other beta testers with questions like, "Why isn't the newest beta in the reports?" "What's new in it??"

For all I know, there's only 1 spot, since C-Dawg quit. Kratheous needs to update that list....

09-15-2002, 04:37 PM
[COLOR=darkred] I did not make it. Maybe I can fill in for Guardian Link because he wa banned for spamming (there is no point in keeping a banned member in betatesting who is inactive/banned for a while, here is where he got banned: http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=57945).

Why should Alucard be a beta tester?

Heck, I can beat Red Wizzrobes without getting hit, no shield, and only three hearts and with the Wooden Sword. I have beat all the three quests in their sleep. I must be lazy or something :D

Things Alucard knows about ZQuest:
I know how to use the program by heart, and I knew it since ZQuest was avaliable to the public. Even though I skipped 1.91 and the other betas up to 1.92 (163), I know everything in ZQuest. It seemed confusing at first, but I found out which was which eventually.

P.S. It's Cronic, not Chronic.

09-15-2002, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Jigglysaint
"Thou was chosen before thou was born"

Actually, Vel, you were in line for a long time because of your Insane Mario Quest and other thing.

Cool, I didn't know that. :)

Here is a link to the topic that I made, in which bigjoe asked me to be a beta tester. The topic doesn't exist here anymore, but part of it does at the web archive.

09-15-2002, 05:05 PM
Those pics look quite neat Vel. I never saw them before.

09-15-2002, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Mottzilla
Those pics look quite neat Vel. I never saw them before.

I released a demo earlier this year with an updated version of those graphics, it is on my site (link is in my sig).

09-15-2002, 05:15 PM
Thanks man, I'll check them out. What version are they good for though? 163 i hope.

09-15-2002, 05:24 PM
The demo should work in beta 163, it is a short 1 level demo. I haven't worked on it for a while, but I plan to work on it again after I finish up some other quests.

EDIT: It wasn't made in 163, but it should work in it, it was made in 104 or earlier, I think.

09-15-2002, 09:14 PM
I played through the demo and it's pretty neat. I look forward to seeing more of it. I also bookmarked your quest page for later. =)