View Full Version : For Jigglysaint

09-15-2002, 02:28 AM
Hey there Jiggly. You should head on over to www.somethingawful.com and check out their Sept 14th post... here's an exceprt of what you'll find.


MORMONS: Hey, how are you today?

ME: (turning around cautiously) Fine, thanks. (turned back around)

MORMONS: Excuse me, we were wondering whether you might have time to talk a bit.

ME: Talk?

MORMONS: Have you heard of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints?

ME: Mormons?


ME: Yeah, you guys are the multiple wives and magical tablet people.


MORMONS: Well, to some extent, but have you heard that Jesus came to America?

ME: Oh, yeah, to teach the Native Americans about magic glasses and polygamy?

MORMONS: He came to spread his message.

ME: His message of magical glasses?


ME: So you want me to buy your magical glasses, is that it? Well I don't wear glasses, mister.


ME: I don't want to be your wife, either. So don't ask.


I highly encorage you to send a long, detailed letter to them talking about all the innacuracies in their description of Mormonism. Someone's got to set them straight, right?


09-15-2002, 03:10 AM
somethingawful.com has the funniest ICQ pranks :D

Lone Wolf
09-15-2002, 03:40 AM
lol indeed.:D

09-15-2002, 11:55 AM
thats funny

09-15-2002, 12:02 PM
religion sucks, get over it...

09-15-2002, 01:46 PM
Damn that's funny... but... uhh...

WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (http://www.somethingawful.com/article.php?id=400)

09-15-2002, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by C-Dawg
I highly encorage you to send a long, detailed letter to them talking about all the innacuracies in their description of Mormonism. Someone's got to set them straight, right?


It's supposed to be an amusing site. I doubt they are serious about any of that.

09-15-2002, 03:25 PM
Mottzilla, shhhhhhhhh...

Havnt you ever read their reader responce pages? I'm trying to instigate a flame war here.


09-15-2002, 03:56 PM
They might be joking, but it still feels somewhat like a flame towards me personally as it makes me sound like I'm a cult member and I have no life. Just to let you know that I try to keep all my things in the Think Tank, where I shouldn't be afraid to voice my beliefs.
BTW, I though the link to WTF Ministries was really funny.

The problem is that he does mention some things that are sacred and he makes light of them, which isn't good for any religion. She reminds me of the mother of a friend I have whom we both make fun of because of her incredible ignorence.

Edit: Just to clear things up, are you trying to pick a fight with me, or someone else? I forgot to read the part under the exscript, and it's not worth it. She can do what she wants. She's entitled to her opinions no matter how lame and pathetic they are. Magical glasses! At least I know now that Moses and Abraham wore glasses:) BTW, Jospeh's brother has a pair of sunglasses that were shaped after the Urim and Thummim.

09-15-2002, 04:46 PM
Dude Jigglysaint, you need to open you eyes like I have.

Mormonism is like looking at that sky through a tinted lense. Same thing with basically most denominations. The Truth, which is the TRUE reality of history, God, and Jesus Christ is like the sky. The problem is that too many "Christians" and "believers" get a different tinted view of the sky (The Truth).

That is why I put absolutely EVERYTHING I believed on the line. I questioned whether or not I was even believing in the right God or not. I put every religion I knew on the scale and weighed them against themselves and other religions, and how much sense they really made. I finally came to the conclusion that Christianity is The Truth, and that Jesus Christ was God in human form (God's only son.)

The church I've been going to recently is non-denominational, but it's no better than most chuches I go to. That's why I listen as a believer in God in church and not a follower of the church. I make sure that they are saying is what the Bible states or makes clear. I've compared bibles I've been given from many churches and found that 2 of them are misguiding many, and I stopped going to those churches that gave me their "updated" bibles.

09-15-2002, 05:09 PM
Sorry to say but you wern't where i was today. I was lucky enough to listen to an apostle talk today, and afterwards when I shook his hand, I felt some sort of feeling like I wasn't shaking hands with any normal person.

Anybody who thinks that other people are looking at life through a tinted lens should have their own checked because it's usually those who refuse to believe that are the ones who are looking at life through tinted lens.

Now, I'm not going to weigh religions because I didn't chose a belief because I have extra time on Sunday and I'm afraid of dying and getting poked in the butt with a pitchfork. I chose this faith because I believe that it has the tools I need to change my life. I believed this even before I met up with the missionaries(I sought them out, not the other way arround). I have changed, therefore I am convinced that it is true.

09-16-2002, 05:07 PM
well, I dont like this belief stuff you talk about, seems kinda stupid to just accept something as true without question.

09-16-2002, 06:06 PM
You know, I'm Catholic. I like my faith. I don't care what everyone's religion is if they have one, just as long as they have faith in SOMETHING. That's what I think.

J.J. Maxx
09-16-2002, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Axel
well, I dont like this belief stuff you talk about, seems kinda stupid to just accept something as true without question.

Thats a pretty naive statement. There are many things in this world and in your life that you accept and believe without question. Think about it.

09-16-2002, 08:58 PM
well I dont like this belief stuff you talk about, seems kind stupid to just accept something as true without question.

No one says we don't question our faith every once in awhile, people aren't perfect.

Mormonism is like looking at that sky through a tinted lense.

Perhaps magical glasses? :tongue:

I'm a christian, I believe mormonism is wrong (sorry JP! :shrug: ). I don't necissarily have an awesome testimony, my parents raised me right I guess, but sometimes I can just *feel* right about it... and usually those times are at some church camp, or at a particular church service when it just really means alot. Sounds fuity?.. oh yea.

09-16-2002, 09:16 PM
Yes it does actually. I felt "right" when I was next to a casino(didn't enter, too busy feeling pain). You don't have to go to camp to feel the promptings of the Holy Ghost, you just have to live a rightous life.

09-16-2002, 09:24 PM
Just as long as you don't kill virgins I'm cool, BTW I'm Roman Catholic.

09-16-2002, 10:07 PM
No I don't kill virgins:lol

Anyway, I came accross an interesting page that some of the more daring people might want to take a look at: http://www.jefflindsay.com/BMEvidences.shtml

I found it really interesting, especially the section involving volcanic activity.