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Fade to Black
09-10-2002, 01:24 AM
I don't know exactly where I should post this, so I'll post it here and let whoever move it. And I'm not sure that this is completely accepted here, but I might as well take a shot at it.

I'm willing to help anyone with thier quest musically. I can't create midis myself, but I'm good at picking music to really set the mood for each area in a quest in my opinion. If you are stumped at what music to put in your quest, send me the quest with a cheat code, and I'll suggest and send midis to you for every area. I really want to do this because I've been wanting to create another Zelda quest simply because I want to put music into it and I don't necessarily want to create it myself. I've done my fair share of quests already....yeah...


09-10-2002, 08:22 AM

This is not a suggestion, so not there. Not help with the Quest Editor, so not there. Not a quest anouncement; not going there.

Honestly, I believe this makes sense in the ZC Development Forum. However, this is regarding actual quest creation, not showing off MIDIs.

I think it can stay here.


09-10-2002, 03:42 PM
I DOHNT NED UR STINKNG HLEP!!!!!111 j/k :laughing: I like picking out my own MIDIs thank you. ;)

09-10-2002, 04:06 PM
Thanks for your help. Really.
We probably already have the Z64 Majora's Mask Minigame Music, (The same as when you get the silver Zora Scale in Z64. -Great Music, that!)

I'll be your first customer. What would you recommend for a hazy hedgemaze type dungeon, where everything is the same pallete as the rest of the overworld, but several shades darker. There are keese level colors, all -very- dark, rope 2 in every room, but they kind of... fade... in and out, (Awesome horror theme.)

But my main problem is that I probably haven't played the games that you are thinking of, (Although I probably did.. heh heh. Nerdz rool!)
And some of the midis In my 819 Midi collection I had to name myself, so I probably wouldn't know what you were talking about even if you did recommend the best midi ever, because you probably could! :D (<---Compliment, your welcome. Anytime.)

How about The Z64 forest temple? That's a great Midi. Maybe something I would like to call "Hazy Maze." Maybe that is its actual name. I don't know.

Choose something, and I'll go with it! :)

Fade to Black
09-10-2002, 05:41 PM
I honestly don't think that any Zelda 64 midis would really work in anything. They all seem to be atmosphere music that can't really be recreated on midi. Maybe if you send me some pictures of the level or something, I'll be able to suggest something.

09-10-2002, 10:39 PM
Tip: Show off your work. Just post it, and establish a name for yourself.