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09-09-2002, 03:14 AM
Ya Know I may have found out why games arent that good these days... There to fricken analog.

Games now days seem to require that you use twist both analog sticks at perfect tempo with each other to pull off somthing small and rediculous... Its like the programers want you to feel what its like to pull of a move.

This didnt bother me before but now theres 2 analog sticks on a controller, now moving is great on a stick... but pulling off a move is not, And games making you combin the two for your attacks or whatever... waste of time and takes the fun out of It.

Even the buttons now are becoming analog, I would chose to rotate the camera by the c-buttons over an analog stick anyday... the feels better! Analog sticks are nice for moving. But for moves and buttons now days? a waste of time and fun me thinks... Its just a move... its Ok i dont need to adjust the "force" of my attack.

And even some programers are getting lazy with the analog sticks. Assigning them to somthing besides a camera angle... Like hitting left on the analog switches between guns or somthing... Pathetic!

I just think were going a little overboard with this whole analog thing... go back to the buttons, go back to the basic's, or just recognize em more... Buttons are nice, there simple (just simply tap... dont worry thats all... It'll perform your attack at full strength dont worry!)... that or maybe Im just old fashion... Well its late... Im going to bed because I can... Wake up 4 hours later do 12 hours of school, sleep, repeat... So Goo bye :laughing:

Lone Wolf
09-09-2002, 08:43 AM
The analog stick is ok, I just hate when they make it the only source of moving.:mad:

09-09-2002, 10:10 AM
analog c-stick pisses me off... I actually refuse to play an FPS on the GCN.

09-09-2002, 03:55 PM
The C-Stick is better than the C buttons for cameras, specifically Super Mario Sunshine. It's a lot faster and easier to control the camera with the stick, and I can move it as I move Mario with the other control stick. Sometimes I found myself having fun using both C-Sticks so I could make the camera do what I wanted while Mario moved, particularly any parts where your platforming or fence jumping. There's no comparison after using it, the C-Stick is...just better than the C-buttons on the N64 controller. The only bad part is the GCN controller has 1 less button than the N64 controller, but gains a C-Stick.

For control analog sticks in general, using both of them at once for FPS would be great. Like using 2 N64 controllers for Goldeneye, but its 1 controller with 2 sticks. I'd rather play a FPS like that than with a keyboard and mouse. I don't think using 2 sticks at once is a problem or makes things easy, games are evolving where they are using both sticks for gameplay in this age of 3-D games that require more accuracy than the 2-D days of Nintendo and Super Nintendo.

Smash Bros. could probably be played with the Control Pad, but I wouldn't want to.

09-10-2002, 01:47 AM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
analog c-stick pisses me off... I actually refuse to play an FPS on the GCN.

Since there are only two fps that I can think of for GCN, and both of them are on all three systems... that shouldn't be a problem.

09-10-2002, 02:03 AM
Yeah, I don't like that C-stick either. I feel Nintendo was absolutely stupid for trying to keep some kind of semplance of the N64 controller(which I, for the most part, despised) by making the C-stick into one C-button thats the atop an analog device.

Thankfully, somebody actually had the foresight to create and market a Dualshock2 to GC converter so you can use the DualShock2 for playing games on the Game Cube. I intend to get this for RE(since the tiny directional pad on the GC controller makes this game needlessly hard to control) and any other game that is done a disservice by Nintendo's weakness for unorthodox and impractical design methods.

Lone Wolf
09-10-2002, 03:05 AM
They make too many games now that use the analog sticks as a source of movement.