View Full Version : New Super Mario Sunshine Commercial...

09-05-2002, 08:52 PM
Anyone seen it? Apparently nintendo canned the old clean is better than dirty thing and went with a more island theme. It has a more reggae, relaxed thing going for it, which is much better than the 50's jingle...

09-05-2002, 08:55 PM
Saw that awhile ago.. I agree, it's much better than what they had before..

09-05-2002, 08:58 PM
Pretty old news, but yeah it's a hell of a lot better than the "clean is better than dirty" one.

09-05-2002, 09:11 PM
ya it's much better :)

09-05-2002, 09:46 PM
I never saw "Clean is better than Dirty". Anyone have a download link to it?

09-05-2002, 09:47 PM
I hated both of 'em. They both strike me as being extremely childish and stupid. :shrug: If you like it, whatever, but personally I would perfer a commercial that was a little more mature, with good music, and showed more of the game.

09-05-2002, 10:51 PM
Thank goodness. That first one was so dumb, and not not exactly appealing to those who still consider Nintendo a "kiddie" company. I like the new one alot better too.

09-08-2002, 08:27 PM
clean is better than dirty, and dirty's meaner than clean!
let's all give a helping hand, mario can't do it alone
(forgot line)
and clean the sludge off the ground!

09-08-2002, 09:13 PM
I haven't seen the first one, but this one was good, and they showed the game like the whole time.

09-08-2002, 09:33 PM
I remember the first SMS commercial. A guy dressed up in a Mario suit picked up a nasty tissue or something and threw it in a wastbasket, and did a little dance. Only showed the game once.