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View Full Version : Something Weird from AZC...

09-05-2002, 06:43 PM
They want to sell ZC 2.00 on their site and leave AGNers in the dust.

AGN needs to come up with a way to bring its members back!

We need a Rupee System too so we can get ZC too.(if it happens)
We need to sell stuff and Not set riduculius post counts.

We need to realize that we have competion. And if we plan to sell ZC for rupies, we need to sell it for less than AZC(because it is a Direct buy from AGN(developer)) and not base it on their post count.

This will also help in in the way mods give out penalties.

We need to select our admin on XPerience, because i have seen people come in and 1 week later they are a mod or admin.

09-05-2002, 06:50 PM
dude what the hell are you talking about?

Kirby of Doom
09-05-2002, 06:51 PM
Sell ZC? Bad idea. Rupees, what's that? Anyway, put a link to where you saw it on AZC. I'm wondering how they could do that when it's AGN who's in charge of ZC. :shrug:

09-05-2002, 06:53 PM
Uhmm... I don't know what you're talking about... Someone suggested it yes, but the idea was shot down pretty fast.

09-05-2002, 07:55 PM
I have no idea what the fuck your bratty ass is babbling about, and more to the point this isn't an AZC discussion board.

Thread Closed.

Ps. As ignorant as this was of you I thank you for the free advertising =P

09-05-2002, 11:19 PM
<Mercy> DC, why for are you closing AGN threads just because you don't like what they have to say about AZC?
<KingArhtur> i regged the misspelled name on accident
<Mercy> Conflict of interests, maybe?
<me2> What are you doing on 9/11?
<me2> ...
<me2> Nothing.
<me2> I'm not doing anything.
<DarthCronic-AG> Because i consider that advertising...
<DarthCronic-AG> War Lord doesn't have theboards up to discuss other boards
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> Not to nit pick, but since you wanna get detailed now, I've seen you link to AZC as a post of yours
<Mercy> But it was referencing AZC in regards to AGN's policy.
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> rather than post the content at ag
<DarthCronic-AG> well if that aint cool then i'm fine with that
<Mercy> I did, WarLord?
<Breaker> just noticed that thread myself
<Mercy> I am sorry.
<Mercy> I did not realize.
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> no
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> dc
* WarLord-AG[AtWork] shrugs
<DarthCronic-AG> I did however figure you wouldn't want him starting shit about AZC in your GD
<Mercy> Ah, oki.
<me2> Hi WL.
<Breaker> heh, right... like there isn't anything but shit in gd
<Breaker> :)
<me2> =)
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> I'm just saying, what's the difference
<DarthCronic-AG> the difference is I've done that for other message boards I go to in the past...
<DarthCronic-AG> I make a post there and later decide to point it out to others at AG
<DarthCronic-AG> :shrug:
<paullyo6> I think the difference is that zeldaclassi was incorrect and was trying to start mess
* paullyo6 has quit IRC (Quit: Are we having fun yet?)
<Mercy> For the record, whomever that kid is, he needs to be skull-fucked by a fat guy in a speedo for posting that.
<WWWAfterblurDotCom> lol
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> he's zeldaclassci
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> he's not bright
<Mercy> But that still does not justify closing the thread.
<DarthCronic-AG> Did you really want that conversation to continue, War Lord?
<WWWAfterblurDotCom> now now WL
<WWWAfterblurDotCom> I think it's save to say that zeldaclassci was one of the most valuable members AGN ever had
<KingArhtur> lol... he's still advertising zc for palm
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> right...
<WWWAfterblurDotCom> he was brilliant
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> He makes shitty flash movies
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> and other various shitty © products
<WWWAfterblurDotCom> no no no BRILLIANT flash movies
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> blah
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> i gotta go take a shit
<WarLord-AG[AtWork]> brb
<Breaker> we just didn't understand due to our inability to grasp such greatness
<DarthCronic-AG> should I open it up so others can call him a moron as well?
* WarLord-AG[AtWork] is now known as WarLord-AG[Shitting]
<me2> lmao
<Mercy> Thanks for sharing...