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09-04-2002, 11:21 PM
Has anyone besides me seen the new XXX movie, I mean XXX the movie.

09-04-2002, 11:29 PM
If you mean Triple X yes I have. Its ok but its jsut another mindless action movie. I wouldnt recomend it unless you like these types of movies.

Shouldnt this be in Arts and Entertainment?

EDIT: I mean General Entertainment, shows how much I go there

The Desperado
09-05-2002, 12:18 AM
Some awesome action scenes. but overall, pointless and boring. How do people expect us to really get into the movie if we already know that he's going to win becauses he's perfect in everyway. honestly, i started dozing off.

09-05-2002, 12:20 AM
that's the bad thing about movies... always a happy ending you could predict. we need more heroes/main characters dying at the end so there could be some variety

09-05-2002, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by matthew986
If you mean Triple X yes I have. Its ok but its jsut another mindless action movie. I wouldnt recomend it unless you like these types of movies.

Shouldnt this be in Arts and Entertainment?

EDIT: I mean General Entertainment, shows how much I go there

This is General Discussion; anything goes. And if it doesn't, we'll move it. ;)

09-05-2002, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by Paradox
that's the bad thing about movies... always a happy ending you could predict. we need more heroes/main characters dying at the end so there could be some variety

I've always thought the same thing, movies (and most video games) are always predictable. The good guy alway wins, the big action hero is gonna kick some ass and blow stuff up, bla bla bla.

Where's the enidngs where the bad guy finally pulls off his far fetched scheme, beats the heros head in and enslaves the worlds women as his love-slaves?

I'll pay ten bucks to see that ;)

09-05-2002, 09:48 PM
If you want to see a movie that doesnt follow the formula see Arlington Road. I wont say more cause it might ruin it. But one thing I always thought would be interesting is a genre changing movie. Like its a love story and then an hour in at a wedding aliens invade and it turns into a Sci-Fi. I know it would fail miserably but it would be interesting.