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View Full Version : My review of Mario Sunshine

09-03-2002, 02:43 AM

Now here goes...

The levels more or less look too much the same for my liking although Noki bay, and of course Pianna park are certainly worth their wieght in my eyes... The bonus levels have a very good feel to them, but seem to be lacking a lot in the way of design, and are certainly oo short for what they are... all in all though I would say they are the highlights for sure. Another thing I like about them is that you lose the water pack thing and it takes on a more classic feel. The actual acts or "episodes" however seem to be lacking quite a bit in the way of emersion and difficulty, and the fact that they all resemble the one that proceeded it is sort of abuzz kill, but things like fining 30 blue coins add a lot of deapth to them none the less. So it's kinda 50/50 as far as they go. Enemies leave a LOT to be desired (as per usual) and of course Yoshi in my opinion sucks way too much too even use, and I don't unless I really really have too... they need to let him fly or something..

Graphics are very very hit and miss, but all in all not too shabby... I really really wish they took away FLUDD for more levels as it really takes away a lot of the fun value when you can simply squirt everything, and I hate the fact that they took away sooo many of Marios moves... all in all I give this game about a 6 of 10, but it's certainly the best I've played on the cube so far but I would certainly rather go back and play Mario 64 again.

09-03-2002, 09:25 AM
A respectable review. Having not played Sunshine myself I cannot comment on this further. It does seem that Sunshine is simply Mario 64 with a water gun, which in of itself isn't bad, but it seems like people want a little more variety.

09-03-2002, 10:59 AM
I must say DC that I wholeheartedly agree with you. You've desribed SMS in the best way that I think possible. You backed up what you didn't like with facts. If anyone gets mad at you about what you said then they are living in a dream world, because you spoke the truth.

09-03-2002, 11:07 AM
Yoshi sucks. He was very bad and he died in water. WTF?! =/ I mean it was cool that he was in it but comeon, they made him a crappy character and I used him only when I needed him to. DC, good comments, and most are true. =)

09-03-2002, 11:42 AM
I liked the game, but alot of the eps. were way too easy, like the racing ones against that guy dressed p as a islander

09-03-2002, 05:51 PM
I agree about Yoshi, he could have been better. There could have been more level variety, too. I would have liked a desert level and a full sized volcano/fire level. An ice/snow level wouldn't really go well with the tropical theme, though...

It would have been nice to have some of Mario's moves from M64, but the new moves involving the FLUDD are nice too. I'm having a lot of fun with this game, and I like FLUDD a lot. And the amount of fun I'm having outweighs the above problems for me. I'd give SMS something around 9/10. :)

09-03-2002, 06:34 PM
Well... DC, Ican't argue at all. When I clicked on the link to this thread, I thought it would be a major ass flame war against Nintendo, but instead, a steady, respectful review on a half decent game. But, hopefull Zelda will have the same kind of reaction, if not better.