View Full Version : Riaa

09-01-2002, 01:32 AM
I quote directly from their official site:

RIAA against music sharing? Not anymore!

RIAA to sue music sharers? Not Anymore

With the legal file sharing service kazaa still online, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) today announced that it intends to offer the latest albums for download from riaa.org.

As you are probably aware, the RIAA has been pursuing a policy of preventing this activity in recent months

We have recently become aware that this approach is yielding only limited results and in some cases may in fact be harming sales and the artists' revenue stream.

The RIAA wishes to apologise for the heavy-handed manner in which the popular chinese site Listen4Ever was closed down, and would like to present the following items for free download as a token of its goodwill.

Of course the list is relatively small, but please be patient - we expect to offer over 300 next week. We also intend to offer pre-released movies in the coming months.

If what you want isn't on the list, then please try Kazaa Lite.I cannot fucking believe this. If this is true, then it's one hell of a flip-flop they just pulled. The main thing is, it would mean that they finally came to realize that this can't be stopped.

However, this (http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/26894.html) article seems to claim that they missed a page...technically, the page above. Therefore, after reading that article, get any song you like from the site. The thing that bugs me is that they are all "Linkin Park" songs...all 20 of them. Dammit, some variety.

Thanks, AlphaDawg, for linking me to these. :)


09-01-2002, 01:36 AM
I don't buy it. I went to their website and this wasn't there.

I fully support the RIAA's heavy handed approach to shutting down illegal downloading. Artists and professionals deserve to get paid for the work they put into something.

09-01-2002, 01:39 AM
I highly doubt that is going to happen. They would lose their only source of revinue.

09-01-2002, 01:41 AM
The RIAA definitely missed a page. The good thing is, as the article points out, all the "pigopolists" from the RIAA are enjoying the three-day Labor Day weekend, so you can expect this page to be up until at least Tuesday.

The download links do work, but they're kind of slow. Should one of them successfully download, I'll let everybody know.

EDIT: Here's the address for the "missed" page: http://www.riaa.org/storymain.htm

09-01-2002, 02:26 AM
I believe it was a member of offspring (don't remember which one though)... that was commenting on the radio about online file-sharing. He pointed out that they used to make thousands of CD's to hand out free at concerts for promotionals, and now, kazaa provides a nice promotional, for free! I understand that kazaa may steal some hard-earned money from the hard-working people in bands (the poor guys have to have amazingly hot women flash them at every concert!) .. but it's not going to stop anytime soon, and RIAA is dumb for trying. It goes agains't everything that the internet is to stop kazaa. *shrugs*

09-01-2002, 02:29 AM
Beldaran, note that I am in no way trying to slam artists; only the executives who try to run the entire show. Independent artists are never heard because radio stations are controlled by the RIAA using limited playlists; therefore, if you did release something, you have to convince these execs. in pinstripe suits to sign you, then produce something with you.

Personally, if an artist signs with these companies looking for big money, the person is living in a fantasy world. I can't see it any other way. Wonder why some artists are never heard NEmore?


09-01-2002, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by Cyclone
Beldaran, note that I am in no way trying to slam artists; only the executives who try to run the entire show. Independent artists are never heard because radio stations are controlled by the RIAA using limited playlists; therefore, if you did release something, you have to convince these execs. in pinstripe suits to sign you, then produce something with you.

Personally, if an artist signs with these companies looking for big money, the person is living in a fantasy world. I can't see it any other way. Wonder why some artists are never heard NEmore?


I agree with you on many levels. I am an independant artist and the internet/mp3 phenomenon has been my lifeblood, as it is otherwise impossible to get heard without corporate involvment. However, as much as I think Britney Spears sucks ass, I don't think people have a right to download her shitty music for free.

Personally, I have a good laugh everytime I hear about the record sales dropping. It has nothing to do with downloads. It is because no one with a brain and a set of genitals is going to pay $20 for a peice of shit album with one good song that the artists didn't even write themself. Nevertheless, it is my opinion that the general crappiness of said album does not provide an excuse to steal it digitally.

Its just my opinion.

09-01-2002, 09:22 PM
Now the aforementioned RIAA page with Linkin Park MP3's is coming up 404 Not Found. Hard to believe they'd get up off their asses on a weekend and do a little work.

Oh well, looks like it's back to KaZaA for all of you cheap-ass Linkin Park lovers. (I am not one of them.)

Though none of the files hosted on the RIAA site downloaded successfully for me anyway...