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08-28-2002, 06:01 PM
Coming out of Highschool today... Went into the parking lot... Parked car ten feet to my right... Car peels out, nearly killing me... Retard sticks his head out the window along with a finger... "Get out of the fucking way, Freshman!!!"... I tell him to eat shit, and to go toss a salad. His rusted out corrsica putts itself out.

I even told TSA on AIM... Highschool is like AGN... You come in new, Breaker bitches you out, you make friends, you get a higher authority, and then you're banned... Jesus. Oh, and for the record... I don't look like a Freshman. Not many Freshmans have faciel hair, 6-pack,over 6 feet tall, and have a nice Soild Snake voice. Oh, and according to my sister, this guy was a Senior, yet I'm in higher classes than him. Pathetic.

08-28-2002, 06:19 PM
What an asshole. SOME (and I only mean SOME) of the blockheaded, immature Seniors at high school (not referring to the AGN High School Seniors) have a .245 grade point average and they think they are so special, they can do everything they want and get away with trouble. I hope his car breaks down and burns him in hell. Why does this blockheaded senior think that he's so cool, yet he is an asshole? Please confirm this.

King Link
08-28-2002, 06:26 PM
I hate those kinds of idiots, they rush around the parking lot, nearly hitting everybody anywhere within one hundred yards. You really have to be careful sometimes.

Glad you're okay though.

Fatty Lumpkin
08-28-2002, 06:26 PM
One senior at my school has about 2 and 1/2 teeth left and about a 0.23 GPA.:lol:

08-28-2002, 07:28 PM
Yeay, but Almost doesn't count.
Why didnt you flip him the bird back?

08-28-2002, 09:19 PM
Glad to hear your alright Dracula. First SSJ gets 90 volts of electricity sent through his body, and now you almost get run over.

Older kids think their the ones who run the school. Fortunatly, I'm in 8th grade. The highest grade in my school! W00T!

08-28-2002, 09:52 PM
Ahh thats nothing. I've been hit by a car twice. Not at the same time of course.

As you can see I'm fine... the voices are calling for me. :cyclops:

See fine.

08-28-2002, 10:02 PM
I pray for that fucker to wake up, but I know he won't. They never do and they end up getting themselves killed and sometimes others.

08-28-2002, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Dechipher
Yeay, but Almost doesn't count.
Why didnt you flip him the bird back?

I gave him two eagles (meaning really big birdies... My fingers are huge) and my scary fang look ^_^ and I gave him a new ass with a few words.

08-30-2002, 02:58 PM
If you had a witness you could always makes his life hell by trying to get him charged with attempted murder or something. If he did hit you then he'd be in big shit. Personally I would have just kept standing in his way staring at him. He can't legally hit you or push ya.

Executioner of Deities
08-30-2002, 11:42 PM
freshman, lol! Its a ritual in every high school for freshman to get picked on. I was when i was a freshman...not a whole lot though, i had a few freinds that wouldnt mind tieing a senior to the back of their cars and dragging him around the parking lot.

You have to realize the differences between AGN and highs chool though.
1 you actually have physical contact in high school :surprise:
2 when somebody bitches you out, your expected to beat the shit out of them. Otherwise you loose respect.
3. most respect comes with time in high school, not how much you talk. Seniority is determined by what class you're in and how many after school activities you have, and how well you do academically and athletically.

Overall, high school is actually quite a bit harder than surviving agn...but neither compare in the least with life. You wanna get a good job, have a wife, kids, a few cars in the driveway, you have to learn to deal with what the world sets for you. Some dude squealing his tires and scaring you is nothing. You wanna whine over that, you'll never make it in the real world. Just some worldly advice. You might look into taking it.

08-30-2002, 11:54 PM
It's a good thing to know that fights still happen at highschool the year before. I heard that the fights stopped a few years ago and was kind of dissapointed. Meh...

08-31-2002, 12:01 AM
What's the point in fighting when if you push someone you could get charged with 3rd degree assualt? And ofcourse punching and kicking even worse.

Anyway, that "picking on freshmen is a ritual" is retarded. If I would have been picked on, people would have found the things most dear to them destroyed. If people were going to bother me then I wouldn't have played nice either. However I never had any problems in school with "being picked on" and I know I wasn't really popular or one to pick on others.