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View Full Version : So you thought the Saga was my idea?

08-20-2002, 06:06 PM
'fraid it's not.

Perhaps you remember that I once worked on a project called the Saga of AGN. Perhaps not. Either way, I work on it when I feel like it (TM) and stuff.

But was the idea for the saga an origional idea? Oh no no no....


It was shamelessly ripped from the Saga of ZZT/MZXers.

As some of you may know, I was in the MZX community before I came here. When i was there, there was turmoil and chaos as the newbies and oldbies were at war (almost literally), and eventually the oldbies got so sick of us (Yes, I was a newbie in one community or anoher) and left the community and the newbies didn't feel like a community anymore so I left. Three months later, I found this, and the rest...is bunk. But as I've been here, I felt like I needed to contribute something. The Saga of AGN would have been my contribution, had I not stalled on it.

Either way, the origional Saga was, in my opinion, a collection of laughs that only a genius could come up with. He nalied the charactors to a Tee, and put them in all sorts of funny situations. Part of the reason that I havn't completed much of it is because of the fact that frankly, I can't remember all that much from the begining, and ever since War Lord zapped the search function and pruned the forums, the hopes of me doing something that was at least a little accurate has ceased. I mean, I can't remember who liked and who hated whom back then.

Why am I telling you this? Well...I don't know, quite frankly. Take this post with whatever you will.