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View Full Version : Quick thinking from a drunk man

08-20-2002, 02:22 AM
A women police officer pulled over a man for DUI, and said,
"You are under arrest. Anything you say, can and will be held
against you."
The drunk replied, "Tits."

08-20-2002, 03:14 AM
AAahahhahah!!!! Where did you hear this? That's funny as hell man. That's the only reason why I watch "Cops" anymore is becuase of the stoned or drunken people who say the dumbest things. They get their 15 seconds of fame, looking stupid.

08-20-2002, 05:04 AM
LOL. Smart guy....

08-20-2002, 08:03 AM
lmao, thats the funniest thing i have heard in ages :)

08-20-2002, 08:16 AM
I wonder if he he got his wish.... =)

08-20-2002, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by EWild
I wonder if he he got his wish.... =)

No, knowing the exagerated brutality of the police, his response was probably hastily ignored before being shoved into a police cruiser.

08-20-2002, 01:24 PM
Some cops can be real asses, especially a really butch female officer, I bet if that was said to one of those bull-dike cops she would've beat the hell out of the poor guy. :whap:

sidenote: I wish a hot lady cop would pull me over and molest me, then I'd get a chance to use my nightstick on her.

08-20-2002, 01:59 PM
HA, last time I saw a guy say "shit" ( thats dutch for "d@nm" ):naughty:.