View Full Version : video game drinking games

08-19-2002, 03:15 AM
if you are not of drinking age then go away. :P

i was thinking of some drinking games i knew of and thought since most of them had to do with video games that this post should go here. so here's one based on final fantasy tactics.

an FMV: 2 full drinks.

Slow typing: 1 full drink.

A counter attack happens: 3 shots.

A scene before battle: 1 shot.

Someone dies outside of battle: 1 shot.

Someone turn into a Zodiac monster: 3 shots.

Blood is shown: 2 shots.

somone swares: 1 shot

Ramza says something like ""Delita..."": 3 shots.

Ramza swares: 1 shot.

Ramza dies: 1 shot.

Ramza is reffered to as a heritc: 2 shots.

Delita Swares: 5 shots

Delita fights in battle: 3 shots

Algus talks about how nobles are better: 5 shots.

Algus dies in battle: 3 shots.

Gafgarion talks about money: 4 shots.

Gafgarion uses Knight sword: 2 shots

Gafgarion dies: 3 full drinks.

Gafgarion uses dark sword: Your drunk or 4 full drinks.

Rafa or Malaks spells actaully hit an enemy: 1 full drink.

Rafa complains: 1 shot.

Malak luaghs: 3 shots.

Rafa luaghs: 3 shots.

Orlandu is reffered to as T.G Cid: 5 shots.

Aeris is on the screen: 1 full drink.

Olan uses Galaxy Stop: 5 shots.

A job is mastered: 10 shots.

A game over 1 shot, restart and play till someone gets drunk or if you are using water play until someone has to pee.

and that's it. if anyone else has comments or more game based drinking games post here unless a mod says this is spam. then i guess this will be deleted and i'll be warned. but anyways, enjoy the zaniness. :P

08-19-2002, 03:56 AM
You have way too much time on your hands :tongue:

08-19-2002, 03:57 AM
I've always wondered about drinking games. Why do people feel the need to drink when certain things occur? If you want to drink then do so. It's like saying take a puff or your cig. every time you hit the other guy. Or give yourself a shot of Heroin(sp) whenever you gain a heart.

08-19-2002, 03:58 AM
i'd take that as a compliment but this is a drinking game someone told me about but i haven't tried it myself. i also know a pretty crazy power rangers drinking game. :P

08-19-2002, 03:40 PM
Final Fantasy Tactics...awesome game. ^_^

08-19-2002, 06:14 PM
i know. i beat it a few weeks ago and started over again so i could get cloud AND complete the deep dungeon (which i didn't and i screwed up tryinbg to learn ultima)

08-19-2002, 06:18 PM
Any FPS....

You die you take a shot....

08-19-2002, 06:18 PM
Heh, now I have something to do tonight, thank you MrZ, may your life be as happy as mine (in a few hours...)

08-19-2002, 06:43 PM
that's hilarious DC. :lol: with me that wouldn't takr long to get drunk. :P