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View Full Version : The Game

08-18-2002, 12:44 AM
ok seems like there aren't many of these true RPGs anymore...

everyone can join in and do stuff as themselves...

Paradox gets an important message from the king of townsland.
it reads: "i need your help. someone is sending me threats and plotting my assassination. come quickly.

-the king"

paradox sets off for townsville to help the king

08-18-2002, 01:50 AM
I also receive the word that someone is sending threats, and my commander says "Now you, Castle gaurd #5 are to be near the King at all times. Oh, and what ever you do, don't forget your sword again." And so I check to make sure I remembered to bring my sword, find that I did, and go off to the king's room.

08-19-2002, 10:39 PM
Paradox nears the king, after taking many sidetrips to varoius villages and telling tales of where he's been. Paradox is now outside the castle and greets a guard, wanting to enter.

09-03-2002, 10:30 PM
The guard allows Paradox passage. Inside, he meets Tygore the bounty hunter, who glares at him, then dissapears into the shadows...

09-03-2002, 10:36 PM
then the kings, most trusted ally, prince zapper is seen entering the thrown room with his trused aid, zombie. being a long-time friend and ally of the king, zapper bows to the king and awaits for him to speak. zombie follows suit and awaits for the meeting to end. paradoz enters and stands next to zapper and bows as well. the king speaks.

09-03-2002, 10:57 PM
The King says that the Kawaii Pendant was stolen from the wizard, who was found murdered earlier today. THe 3 of you are shocked. The king mentions a bounty hunter he hired, and in walks Tygore. Zapper, Zombie and Paradox don't notice, but ZZGundam (AND ONLY HE CAN RESPOND TO THIS! NO PUTTING WORDS IN HIS MOUTH!) realizes that Tygore doesn't bow...