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View Full Version : Beep?

08-17-2002, 07:07 PM
This is .. strange. Windows98 keeps beeping for no apparant reason. But, as far as I've noticed, it only happens when IE6 is open... Any ideas?

08-17-2002, 07:08 PM
Dunno. It drives me nuts when running ZC or an emulator. I keep thinking it has somthing to do with AIM.

08-17-2002, 07:12 PM
I once d/l a program that made a sound every time you opened or closed a web page. It became annoing so I made it go away.
Maybe it is somthing like that?

08-17-2002, 07:14 PM
Hmm.. No. I'll just be sitting here, and my default error sound will go off at random. Think I'll try closing AIM for a few minutes. Thanks for the idea, Jig.

Edit - Jig.. When's the last time you upgraded AIM? I'm doing it now, but I think it may be something like a reminder to tell you to download the new upgrade. I just finished the download, so I'll tell you if that makes a difference.

Note: When I closed AIM, the beeping stopped so...

Edit2 - I think I may've found the problem. Apparantly, when I reinstalled AIM today, it disabled the sounds that are played when someone on my buddy list signs on or off. I'm gonna try changing that, then signing on with another name. Maybe that will fix it..